Chapter 55

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All she knew is they were gonna be together in the end.

"HAPPY HALLOWEEN BITCHES!" Lauren yelled from the bar counter. A chorus of cheers sounded through the club. Zendaya and Dinah made out drunkenly on the barstools, while Tori eyed them enviously.

"Do they have to do that right here?" Tori asked out loud.

"Why do you care? You have a girlfriend who you could be home with right now," Normani reminded her. The blonde rolled her eyes and slumping back on the counter.

A lightbulb went off in her head. She quickly got the bartenders attention, ordering a shot. "Maniiii, take mmme to the bathhhhrooom please. I'm tooo drunk," Dinah slurred, letting out a giggle.

Normani huffed, holding the younger woman up. "I'll be back. Save my seat please," she told Tori. She nodded, turning back to the bar.

"Oooo! Bathroom party? Count me in!" Lauren jumped off the counter, nearly breaking her face, and followed after the two. Without Tori knowing, Zendaya had slipped onto the stool next to her.

"Hi," Zendaya said gazing drunkenly into her eyes.

"H-Hi Z," Tori stuttered with a blush.

"I have a question forrrr ya," Zendaya started. "Why'd youuu try to fingerrrr me the otherrr day?"

Tori could get away with anything knowing how drunk she was. "I don't know. I just wanted to try something out."

"But what about Alessssssia?"

"She was okay with it. She actually suggested it," Tori lied.

"Really?" Zendaya questioned. Tori nodded. The bartender placed two shots in front of them.

"Look balloons!" Tori pointed.

"Where?!" Zendaya turned around giving Tori time to take something out of her pocket, and pour it into Zendaya's shot. "There are no balloons in here. What's that?"

"Sugar," Tori lied slipping the wrapper into her pocket. "Let's just forget about the whole finger thing and let bygones be bygones."

"Okay." Zendaya took the shot from the counter clinking it with Tori's. They simultaneously tossed the liquor back.

"Ooo. Are there anymore shots? I want one," Lauren whined stumbling up to the two. Normani came along as well, leaning Dinah against the counter.

"I never knew a girl could mistake a stall for her fiancé." Normani sighed as she sat in her seat. Dinah laid her head against the hard marble.

"Nooooo. Babe you said weeee were gonna have Halloween sex tonighhhhtt," Zendaya whined.

"Too tired," Dinah mumbled. Zendaya burped holding her head.

"Shittt. I feel dizzy."


The brunette woke up cuddled into Dinah's side. She must've passed out at the bar or something. She lightly leaned up planting a soft kiss on the plump lips.

Dinah stirred in her sleep. "What are you doing Daya?"

"Nothing just lookin at my beautiful fiancé." Dinah smiled with her eyes closed. "Yknow what I wanna do today?"

"It can't be hangover sex cause one of us had to be sober for that to work."

"You're right, but I wanted to stay in bed and watch Netflix with you all day." Dinah opened her eyes and grinned from ear to ear.

"You always have the best ideas at the right time."

"Hey, it's what I do," she says popping her imaginary collar. The Polynesian giggled. Zendaya sat up against the headboard. "I'm gonna grab us something to eat. What do you want?"

"Anything you get us fine." Zendaya smiled and pecked Dinah's lips.


Zendaya put the bag of snacks and pizza in the passenger seat, before getting in the car herself. Looking into the rear view mirror she noticed what looked like a hickey. She hadn't seen it before. But to be honest she didn't look in the mirror before she left either.

Dinah couldn't have given it to me. We haven't even made out today. Maybe I got it when we were drunk. It makes sense. But Dinah's not a hickey giver. Then again she wasn't sober so who knows.

Starting the engine she brushed off any odd thoughts and made her way home. When she arrived, the brunette saw a familiar head of curly brown hair. "Alessia!"

The older woman waved and trotted across the street. "Hey."

"Hi, what're you doing here? You live at least ten minutes away," Zendaya asked.

"Oh I was taking a walk. I hadn't noticed I got so far," Alessia said dismissively. "But how are you?"

"Hungover. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Um." Alessia looked around, trying to find her words. "I don't know how exactly to say this, but um."

Zendaya awaited the sentence to come after. "Is something going on between you and Tori?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "No, why would you think that?"

"She came home late a few weeks ago. Dinah explained what it was, but then I talked to Tori and she said it was nothing. And last night she came home with your perfume on her clothes and she had this kind of glow. One that she used to have with me."


"Please tell me it isn't what I think it is."

"I'm sorry Lessi. I really don't know. I was drunk out of my mind last night, so your best bet would be to ask Mani or Tori herself. Though I do know even while drunk I'd never do that to you or Dinah."

"Well that's sort of a relief," Alessia said letting out a breath. "Thanks anyways. I'll see you later."

"Okay." Alessia smiled sadly and walked off. It seemed that something weird always happened when she got drunk. Maybe something did happen. She prayed nothing did though.

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