Chapter 17

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"It's fine I have a pass. See you babes," Ally said kissing Dinah's cheek and walking away.

Dinah walked out of the cafeteria towards the football field. She saw a few football players sitting around and joking. One of them glared at her making her slightly frightened.

She climbed up the stairs of the bleachers and waited. A few minutes went by and Dinah heard her name being called down to the nurses office over the intercom. "Wait Dinah."

The blonde looked up and made eye contact with hazel eyes. Zendaya's hazel eyes. "What do you want Zendaya? I'm waiting for someone named Anon."

Zendaya looked down trying to hold in laughter. "Anon is short for anonymous. I knew you wouldn't come if I wrote my name or Z."

"Well you were right and my mom's waiting for me, so excuse me," Dinah said standing up.

"Please Dinah. Talk to me please," Zendaya said holding onto Dinah's hand. Her eyes looked sincere and scared. "Please just tell me what I did wrong."

Dinah sighed and looked at Zendaya. "Come to my house after school. I gotta go to the doctors office."

"Why what's wrong?"

"Someone slammed my books on the baby. My mom's waiting for me I gotta go."


Zendaya sat down next to her girlfriend. "Please tell me what I did wrong."

Dinah handed Zendaya her phone. Zendaya's eyes went wide. "I don't who sent these cause it wasn't me."

"Well your phone says otherwise."

"I don't have these messages on my phone."

"What happened at your dad's house?" Dinah asked.

"I went over my dad and his friend went out to the store. His friend's son was left at the house with me. He dared me to do a few drinks. I guess when I left to throw up he texted you then deleted the messages from my phone. The last messages I have from you are from that morning," Zendaya explained.

"Oh. I guess I should've known when you came to school confused. Sorry about that," Dinah said.

"It's cool no harm done. Well to me anyways. How's the baby?"Zendaya asked putting an arm around Dinah.

"They're fine. The doctor said they'll be premature though. Other than that they're fine," Dinah said.

"Wait they as in two?" Zendaya asked.

"Yeah. The doctor said I'm having twins," Dinah said.

"Wow two kids. That's," Zendaya said running a hand through her hair.

"Is wow bad or good?" Dinah asked.

"I'm just shocked is all. I wasn't expecting twins," Zendaya replied.

"Neither was I but I'm sure we can do it. Right baby?" Dinah asked.

"Right," Zendaya said leaning in for a kiss. Dinah put her fingers on Zendaya's lips stopping the kiss.

"Nope I don't know who you've been kissing," Dinah said smiling. Dinah giggled when Zendaya's face dropped. "Aww don't pout you'll make me feel guilty."

Zendaya pouted making Dinah kiss away her frown. Zendaya put her hand on the back of the blonde's neck deepening the kiss. Dinah slid into Zendaya's lap and wrapped her arms around the petite girl's waist.

"Hey Dinah you want som- BITCH!" Lauren yelled punching the back of Zendaya's head.

"Ow what the hell Lauren?!" Zendaya exclaimed.

"You cheating ass hoe!" Lauren said lunging at the brunette. Dinah got off of Zendaya.

"Lauren stop it. We got over that it was all a misunderstanding," Dinah said.

"Explain this misunderstanding. Cause last time I checked you said you were getting a slice of virgin pussy," Lauren said.

"I was drunk-"

"That doesn't-"

"Shut up Lauren. I wanna hear," Camila said  hitting the back of Lauren's head.

"Thank you Mila. Anyways I was drunk because my dad's friend's son dared me to for money-"

"Wait when you told me you didn't say for money," Dinah said.

"I forgot, so I was drunk off my ass, threw up, and when I went to the bathroom I guess that's when he texted Dinah. Then he deleted the messages so I couldn't see from my phone," Zendaya explained.

"Ohhh," the girls said in unison.

"My bad girl. Did I tell you how much I love you?" Lauren said making the girls laugh.

"Can I tell them about them?" Zendaya whispered in Dinahs ear. Dinah nodded. "Did I tell you Dinah and I are having twins?"


"Can I name one DJ, pwease?" Normani asked.

"What would you name them?" Dinah asked.

"Kordei if it's a girl and Norman if it's a boy," Normani said.

"No," Zendaya and Dinah said.

"You guys are no fun," Normani said sitting down away from the couple.

"Dinah did you choose who was going to be in the delivery room with you?" Ally asked.

"Uh yeah. Zendaya," Zendaya smiled. "Mama and Ally or Mani."

"What? That is so not fair," Lauren said.

"Yes it is. I know if I have Mila she'll faint, laugh, or make terrible jokes the entire time. And if I bring you the first words my children will hear will be 'holy fuck' or 'let go of my damn hand Dinah'," Dinah said.

"True," Camren said.

"Well which one of us will it be?" Normani asked.

"Whoever is with me when I go into labor or whoever gets to the hospital first. I'm leaving it up to the universe," Dinah said. "But Daya can I talk to you for a sec in private?"

Zendaya nodded and the two began walking upstairs. "So what your saying is if I get there first I can come in the delivery room with you?!" Lauren asked.

"No! I will personally make sure that does not happen!" Dinah exclaimed. Dinah pulled Zendaya into her bedroom.

(A/N: Brace yourselves for the next few chapters. Sorry they ain't ever getting a break.)

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