Chapter 27

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Oh well. I guess we have a baby on the way.

Dinah leaned back against the lockers, waiting for the nurse to get back. "Daya I quit. I don't want to do this anymore," Dinah whined.

"I think it's a little too late for that DJ. The baby's ready to see us now. And I can't wait to see what they look like," Zendaya said.

"I'd rather for it to stay the hell where it's at," Dinah retorted.

"Excuse me ladies but, lunch is over. You all need to go to class," the principal said.

"Um well I don-"

"A human is trying to crawl out of me and I'm trying not to give birth in the hallway. Where the hell is that damn nurse?" Dinah asked.

"Oh I apologize. You two can stay but, the rest of you need to get to class," the woman said. Ally Normani and Lauren nodded and left. "Come with me."

"I don't think I can," Dinah said. The nurse walked up to them rolling a wheelchair in front of her.



"Zendaya I don't know how in the hell you're in more pain than I am right now," Dinah said holding onto her stomach.

"I don't know how you have the strength of a man and managed to kill my hand before we even started."

"We? You're not doing shit."

"Okay Dinah enough with the profanity," Milika said.

"Shut up bitch. I'm sure you cursed way more with the five thousand babies you have crawling around the house," Dinah said. Zendaya's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

Milika left the room shouting stuff in Polynesian. "D what'd she say?"

"I don't know and I don't care. CAN SOMEBODY TAKE THIS DAMN BABY OUT?!"


"Okay Dinah. One last push," the doctor said.

"I-I don't think....I can," Dinah cried. Zendaya pushed the few strands out her face.

"Dinah just one more push and our beautiful baby will be out. Can you do that for me?" Zendaya asked.

"E kāohi i ka'opiʻo iāʻoe e haʻiʻole iaʻu i kahi mea e hana ai!" Dinah yelled. The doctor looked at Zendaya strangely and she shrugged.

"Miss Hansen your baby is just kinda hanging here and losing life so. Can we wrap this up?"

"Dinah suck it up. The longer you take the more it will hurt," Zendaya said sternly. Dinah whimpered and nodded her head.


"You did it baby. Our little girl is out," Zendaya smiled.

"And I don't want to do it again," Dinah said. Zendaya laughed and kissed her girlfriend's forehead. She looked over at the baby and  noticed that she wasn't being cleaned. The doctors took the baby out of the room in a rushing manner.

"Where are they taking her doctor?" Zendaya asked.

"Down to the ICU. She's not breathing."

"Daya go," Dinah said.

"But I can't leave you here," Zendaya said.

"I will be fine just go with the baby. I trust you will name her something respectable," Dinah said weakly. Zendaya nodded and left with the doctor.


Zendaya looked through the glass at her little girl. She had Justin's blue eyes and Dinah's brown hair. "She's beautiful."

"You can go in and see her if you want."

"I can?" The doctor nodded. "O-Okay." She walked into the room and found her daughter hooked up to a bunch of wires. It made her so sad to see her that way.

"Do you have a name?"

"Yeah," Zendaya smiled. Journey. Journey Milika Coleman-Hansen.

And that's what she told the doctors. The brunette kneeled in front of the sleeping baby. "Hi Journey. You scared us there for a minute. I can't wait til you're all better so Mommy and I can take you home. You have a whole lot of aunts and uncles that are so excited to see you. Please get better soon for me. I'm your momma by the way. I love you so much. Don't ever forget it," Zendaya said. She sniffled and wiped her tears. "Get better so you can see your mommy. She misses you." Zendaya kissed the small baby's forehead before going back to her girlfriend's hospital room.

"How is she? What'd you name her?" Dinah asked half awake.

"She's beautiful. I named her Journey Milika Coleman-Hansen. Get some sleep Deej. I'm sure you're exhausted."

"Only if you lay with me." Zendaya giggled and climbed into the hospital bed with Dinah. Dinah cuddled into Zendaya's side and laid her head on her chest. "Sorry about your hand."

"It's fine. It'll feel better when we wake up. Night Dinah Jane."

"Night Zendaya Maree."

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