Chapter 43

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Zendaya fell back against the bed panting next to her girlfriend. She laid her head on Dinah's bare chest. "We can't keep doing this Dinah. You have to talk to me at some point."

"No I don't. It's my choice. I can do what I want with my words." Dinah sat up, grabbing her clothes from the floor.

"Just tell me what's wrong. You haven't slept in almost a week and everytime I ask about it you finger me to shut me up."

"And if you don't stop talking about it, you'll be right on your back again," Dinah mumbled. She slid on her shorts.

"See shit like that Dinah. You're not gonna keep getting away with slick stuff like that," Zendaya said. Dinah ignored her and continued getting dressed. Zendaya then snatched the girl's shirt from her hand.

"Give me my shirt back Zendaya," Dinah said.

"Not until you talk to me," Zendaya said. Dinah shrugged and walked to her dresser. Zendaya quickly got up and stood in front if the dresser.

"Move Daya," Dinah growled.

"No, I've been nice for as long as I can. Start answering me," Zendaya said. Dinah threw the girl over her shoulder before slamming her on the bed.


Across the street Lauren and Normani sat on Normani's bed looking through a pair of binoculars. They were watching Journey for the evening but they still didn't think they should miss the evenings events.

"No Nugget. You can't eat that," Lauren said taking a pen from the baby's hand. She then took some of Journey's snacks and sat them in front of her. "Here eat these."

Journey babbled on response. Lauren then stood over Normani's shoulder. "What's happening Mani?"

"They're at it again. That's like the fifth time this week. Something's wrong." Normani looked through the binoculars seeing Dinah sit on her girlfriend. She then removed them from her face. "Here, your turn."

"Yay," Lauren giggled. She then did what the melanin goddess had been doing for the past half hour. Normani then picked Journey up, kissing her cheek.

"Do you think your mommies are fighting?" Journey just looked at her Auntie. She put her tiny hand on Normani's cheek and smiled. "Good, stay oblivious in moments like these. You're too pure to be ruined."

"One day y'all are gonna get arrested for stalking," Ally said walking into her girlfriend's room. "Hey baby."

"Hi Allz." Normani pecked Ally's lips. "And it's not our fault they're relationship is entertaining."

"Look Mani, look!" Lauren exclaimed. Normani rushed over to the window with Journey in her arms. She took the binoculars from Lauren's hands.

Zendaya was now holding Dinah in her arms as she cried.

"Mama!" Journey exclaimed bouncing in Normani's arms.

"Yeah that's Mama's house," Normani said.


"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've helped you D. You know I'd never let him get to either of you," Zendaya said.

"He already has," Dinah cried. Zendaya kissed Dinah's head holding her close. She wouldn't let Justin get her girls no matter what. She would do everything in her power to keep him away.

"It's okay DJ. Everything will be okay," Zendaya said.


Normani sat next to Ally on the couch at Normani's house. Next to them Camren was cuddled up with each other. Next to them Zendinah held their daughter and each other.

Alessia and Tori weren't their yet. It was Scandal night. The one night a week the group would get together and enjoy each other's company.

"I just don't think she should've been invited to Scandal night at such a fragile time," Ally whispered to Normani.

"It's only a fragile time for Zendaya and Dinah," Normani whispered back.

"No one's okay. Camren has more tension than ever because Lauren wants to wait to do it. You're following Zendinah's every move. I'm the only sane person here, so bringing the blonde bitch ain't gonna help anyone," Ally growled.

The doorbell rung. "Be nice Allyson Hernandez," Normani demanded. The blonde rolled her eyes as she watched her girlfriend walk away. Once everyone was settled again they pressed play.

It was quiet and all eyes were on the TV. But their attentions weren't. Camila laid her head on Lauren's shoulder. Her hand crept onto the green eyed beauty's thigh. "Camz, stop it," Lauren whispered harshly.

"Stop what?" Camila asked. "I'm not doing anything." Camila bit at Lauren's ear. Her fingers slipped into Lauren's underwear. She could hear the girl's breath becoming uneven.

"Do you like it when I touch you like this Lolo?" Lauren moaned softly in response.

Zendaya looked over at the two holding her daughter and girlfriend close. "Can y'all not in front of my baby?"

Dinah looked towards her best friends. "Y'all don't even have the courtesy to have a blanket. Jesus Mila," Dinah said.

"Don't bring the Lord into this. He didn't do anything to you," Ally scolded.

"They're trying to fuck next to my baby. I'm sorry for keeping her pure," Dinah retorted.

"Guys can we not do this?" Normani whispered.

"Calm down. Let's just wait until after this is over please," Tori said.

"Did anybody ask you to give your input?" Ally spat.

"No they didn't. Did anyone ask you?" Alessia asked.

"Who are you? You are nobody," Lauren replied.

"Well that makes two of us Chapsen. Drink some water once in a while bitch," Alessia said.

"Excuse me! Watch your mouth around my child," Zendaya shouted. Journey just sat back sucking on her bottle. Everyone continued yelling back and forth with each other.

"SHUT UP EVERYONE!" Normani yelled. "God, you are all the most annoying fucks I've ever spent Scandal night with in my life. Don't come back until you can act like adults or at least civilized people." She then stormed off towards the front door.

"Alessia and Tori you first!" Normani yelled.  The couple looked at each other before getting their things

"We're really sor-" Normani slammed the door in their face. When she walked back into the living room, she found her friends putting their stuff away. 

"Sit down guys. I only meant them," Normani huffed. She then plopped down next to Ally.

"But you said-"

"I know what I said Z. Now I'm saying sit down." They did as told. "This has got to stop. No matter what's going on in your own home, you should still feel like you can come talk to us. You don't have to be ashamed of anything Dinah. We love you more than anything."

"I love you guys too. I just want to be able to handle stuff on my own," Dinah said.

"You don't have to do anything on your own. Just ask for help," Ally said.

"Okay, I will," Dinah said. She then leaned over pulling Ally and Normani into a hug. "But I'm not the only one who did something. Mila was fingering Lauren."

"You snitch!"

"Karla!" Ally shouted.

"What? Maybe if Lauren would let me hit, none of this would've happened," Camila argued.

"You have no idea how fuckish that sounded," Lauren said.

"Well it's true," Zendaya agreed.

"Thank you Z." Camila went for a high five only for it to be rejected.

"You still shouldn't have tried right next to the baby."

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