Chapter 21

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"Then I'll try my best."

"I want you to promise me something okay?" Claire said.

"Yes mom. What is it?" Zendaya asked putting on a shirt.

"You have to promise me you will not go over to Dinah's while you are on. Do you understand me?"

Zendaya rolled her eyes and said, "Ma you act like I'm gonna go over there just to yell at her. And I'm not, I just want to talk to her."

"Yeah I understand that, but both of your hormones are raging. Not to mention both of you will be acting as if you are pregnant, which one of you actually are. And  I just don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt. Do you promise?" Claire asked.

"Yes mom whatever you want." Zendaya was putting her hair into a bun when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Zendaya said bolting towards the door. She opened the door to reveal her pregnant girlfriend.

"Hey babe. I missed you," Dinah said walking into the house.

"I missed you more," Zendaya said kissing Dinah's lips. She kneeled down to her stomach and kissed it lightly. "I missed you too little guy."

Claire walked downstairs and groaned. "I thought I told you not to see her."

"No you said I couldn't go over to her house. You didn't say anything about me not seeing her or her coming here," Zendaya argued.

"Why didn't she want me here?" Dinah asked.

"I'm on my period and she thinks something bad will happen since, and I quote, 'both of our hormones are raging'."

"Aww Z you're on your period?" Zendaya nodded with a sad look. "Poor thing. C'mon I know what'll make you feel better. Netflix and pizza."

"You know me so well," Zendaya said intertwining their fingers. The couple walked into the living room.

"Why does my daughter have a better love life than me?" Claire asked herself.


Zendaya and Dinah were lying on the couch watching Scandal on Netflix. Zendaya still hadn't told Dinah about the baby, and Dinah thinks she's having twins. She couldn't go on the rest of her pregnancy thinking that. "Dinah, babe I got something to tell you," Zendaya said seeming guilty.

"You didn't cheat on me and get pregnant did you?" Dinah asked half jokingly.

Zendaya chuckled and shook her head. "No Dinah it's not that bad. And it couldn't happen if I'm on my period."

Dinah gasped and said, "You watched the new season of Pretty Little Liars with out me."

"No I would never. That's worse than me cheating on you," Zendaya said chuckling. "It's um about the baby."

"Okay, but you mean babies. And what about them?" Dinah asked.

"That's the thing. There is no second baby. When you got into the accident the hospital could only save two of you. It was either you and one twin or both twins. And I couldn't lose you." Dinah's jaw dropped and her eyes got glassy.

"W-What do you mean there's no second baby? Like it died?" Dinah asked, a tear escaping her eye. Zendaya nodded sadly. Dinah sobbed and layed her head on Zendaya's chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," Zendaya said rubbing Dinah's back.

"It's fine. I'm just glad I know now and not while I'm in the hospital waiting for another baby to come out," Dinah said wiping her tears. Dinah looked up at Zendaya. "I guess now would be as good a time then ever to tell you."

"Tell me what D?" the skinny girl asked.

"I watched a season of Pretty Little Liars without you," Dinah confessed. Zendaya's jaw dropped. She put a hand over her chest. "Sorry."

"How could you Dinah? We were supposed to wait til next week's Netflix date."

"I said sorry. I won't do it again," Dinah said kissing her girlfriend's face. "Pwease don't be made at me."

"I'm not mad. But no sex for 3 weeks," the brunette said.

"Ugghhh. Shoot me."

"I don't want to do that babe."

(A/N: Just a little fluff for you guys.)

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