Chapter 39

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I smiled up at him. "Thank you Daddy."

"Alright J. You can almost sit up now and that means you have to start learning to do more stuff. The faster you learn the easier it'll be to keep you occupied while mommy and I are studying," Zendaya explained to her daughter. Journey giggled flailing her arms around.

Zendaya smiled before tickling Journey's stomach. When she stopped she sat her daughter next to her on the bed. "Try and sit up so I can put you in the bouncer."

She removed her hands from the baby's sides before watching her fall foward on the soft comforter. The brunette stiffled a laugh before sitting her up again.

A knock was heard on the door. "Come in!" Dinah walked into the room.

"Hi little one," Dinah said kissing Journey's forehead. "Hi big one."

She pecked her girlfriend's lips. "I'm trying to get her to sit up. She's really close, I can feel it."

"Let's see it then," Dinah smiled, sitting on the other side of Journey. Zendaya and her daughter made eye contact.

"If you sit up this time I'll give you one of your snacks," Zendaya said.

"You can't bribe her with food," Dinah said.

"It worked for you and she is your spawn after all," Zendaya retorted playfully. Dinah rolled her eyes playfully in return. "Okay you ready?"

Journey blew spit bubbles. "We'll take that as a yes. 1, 2, 3."

Zendaya removed her hands again, yet this time Journey stayed up. "Yay!" Zendinah cheered.

"You're so smart baby," Dinah said. She kissed the baby's cheeks making her giggle. Journey turned to Zendaya and put her hand out. "You promised her a snack Daya."

Journey started wiggling her arms around again causing her to fall over in Dinah's lap. "Well I didn't say how long she had to sit up."

Zendaya got off the bed and trotted downstairs. Dinah looked down at her blue eyed baby. "Are you looking at me?" Dinah asked. Journey smiled her gumless smiled before sticking her finger in her mouth. The older Polynesian quickly removed the finger from her mouth. "Don't do that baby. Germs are no joke at your age."

Zendaya quickly walked into the room. "C'mon we gotta go."

"Why? Is everything okay?" Dinah asked.

"Sure. I just want you and Journey to be gone when he gets here," Zendaya said, putting Journey's stuff in her baby bag.

"Who's coming?" Dinah asked.

"My brother and dad," Zendaya said.

"Didn't he go to jail?"

"Yes Dinah but my father bailed him out, so anywhere he goes my brother goes." Zendaya put her hair up in a bun before picking up Journey. She grabbed Dinah's hand and walked down the steps.

"Babe slow down. Its not like he's here yet."

"I know. I just don't want to run into him at all. I don't want him to know about J."

"Why not?" Dinah asked snatching her hand away from the girl. Zendaya took a deep breath.

"I didn't mean it like that D. I just don't want to happen to be alone with him, and then he has something to hold over my head," Zendaya said.

"How could he hold Journey over your head?" Dinah asked.

"If Roshon knew about her and ever tried to rape me again, he could mention possibly hurting her or you and I'd let him in a heart beat. I don't want that to happen." Dinah looked down at her feet.

"I didn't think of it that way," Dinah said sadly. She sniffled. "I'm s-sorry."

"Baby don't cry," Zendaya said hugging the young blonde. Journey hugged her mother's neck. She kissed away the younger girl's tears.

"I don't want him to hurt you anymore," Dinah cried.

"And he won't. Let's just go to the park or something," Zendaya said.

"Okay," Dinah nodded. They went to pull away but Journey didn't let go of the teen's neck. "I'll hold her." She took the baby from the brunette's arms and they all walk to the front door.

Just as they opened the door Roshon and Zendaya's father stood there getting ready to knock. "Looks like someone wants to see there big bro."

Zendaya frowned, looking away. "Hi."

"Hello Zendaya. Can we come in?" Her dad asked.

"I don't think so. Mom's not home and we're leaving," Zendaya murmured.

"Who's this little cutie?" Roshon asked, ruffling Journey's curls. The baby frowned.

"My child and stop touching her," Dinah said swatting away his hand. Roshon backed away.

"We're gonna go now," Zendaya said trying to brush past them.

"Who's this girl Zendaya?" Her father asked.

"My business. Excuse us please," Zendaya said meekly.

"Daya, I'm gonna put J in the car. Scream if you need me," Dinah whispered in her girlfriend's ear. She did as she said she would.

"Zendaya answer us," Roshon demanded.

"Dinah," Zendaya mumbled. Roshon gripped her arm tightly making Zendaya whimper.

"I don't believe I heard you," Roshon said.

"Her name is Dinah," Zendaya said louder. "Please stop." Her dad grabbed her other arm.

"I think she should be taught a lesson. Don't you dad?"

"I do son." Zendaya looked away and screamed as loud as she could. Dinah looked up from the car and shut the door. She quickly ran up the driveway before wrapping her hands around the mens' neck.

"Get the fuck off of her," Dinah growled. They immediately let her go. She pushed them out of the way and embraced Zendaya. "It's okay baby girl."

"Don't ever fucking touch her again you assholes," Dinah said before walking away with Zendaya. They both got in the car and quickly drove away.

Dinah slowed down her driving and looked over at Zendaya. She covered her face with her hands. She sniffled wiping the tears from her eyes. Dinah placed her hand causing the older girl to flinch. "Baby."

"I'm s-sorry," Zendaya sobbed. Dinah pulled over. She looked over at Zendaya.

"Daya, I know you don't want to hear this right now, but you need to tell someone," Dinah said.

"I have. That clearly didn't work. My dad has rich friends all over the world and the best lawyers at his feet. I can't do anything but let them have their way," Zendaya said. Dinah took off her seatbelt before pulling Zendaya into her lap. She pulled the girl closer, softly stroking her hair.

She softly hummed a sweet song into the girl's ear. The blonde rocked Zendaya back and forth. "It's okay baby. We'll figure it out soon. God wouldn't put you in this situation if you couldn't handle it. You know that right?"

She felt the girl nod. "I love you Dinah."

"I love you too Zendaya." Dinah looked over the tall girl's shoulder and saw her daughter looking at them in confusion. Dinah smiled assuringly at the baby.

She smiled as if she knew what was going on. Deep down Dinah felt like she did.

(I'm gonna try this new thing cause I know you all can do it. 35+ reads for a new chapter. If this doesn't work I'll keep posting on random Tuesdays and Thursdays.)

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