Chapter 16

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They could hear Ally's soft voice from upstairs comforting Dinah. "Damn that girl is like a ninja," Lauren cursed.

Back at school that Monday the girls were standing at Dinah's locker talking before class. "Dinah baby!" Zendaya's voice called out.

Dinah rolled her eyes and slammed her locker shut. "I'll see you guys later." The blonde began walking away.

"Dinah wait," Zendaya said running up to her girlfriend. She pulled on Dinah's arm and said, "Baby didn't you here me calling you?"

"I heard you calling me. I just didn't care. And you seemed not to either." Dinah turned back around and continued walking to class.

"Dinah wait, what you talking 'bout?"

"Don't play dumb with me Zendaya. You know exactly what I'm talking 'bout. Fuck off."


The brunette knocked on the front door of her girlfriend's door. The door was opened by a blonde how looked almost identical to Dinah. "Hey I'm here to talk to Dinah."

"And you are?"

"Zendaya, Dinah's girlfriend."

"Okay one sec," the blonde said with a smile. She closed the door in Zendaya's face. Zendaya heard things shuffling around in the house. The door opened again and the blonde was now holding a bat. "Let's get this straight hoe. I'm Briannah, Dinah's bestfriend and have been for a very long time. She is upstairs crying her precious little eyes out over someone who clearly doesn't deserve her tears. You have exactly five seconds to get out of my face before you no longer have knees."

Zendaya scoffed and pushed passed Briannah. "Times up." Briannah took a swing at Zendaya's knees.

"OW SHIT!" Zendaya yells.

"WHO CUSSING?!" Milika's voice boomed through the house.

Dinah walked out of her room and looked over the railing at Zendaya as she rubbed her knees in pain. Dinah and Zendaya made eye contact. Zendaya smiled slightly at the blonde. Dinah rolled her eyes and said, "It's nobody Mama. Only the forgotten." Dinah walked back into her room and slammed the door.

"You heard her let's go forgotten," Briannah said. She grabbed Zendaya by the hair and dragged her outside. She watched her tumble down the steps and then close the door.

Zendaya winced in pain while trying to stand up. She got up and limped down the street towards Tori's house.

Tori walked over to her friend with an ice pack. "What happened to you again?" the blonde asked.

"Briannah answered the door and hit me in the knees with a baseball bat. Then she dragged me out by my hair and threw me down the steps."

"Is your head good?" Tori said laying the ice pack on Zendaya's knees.

"Yeah I'm fine for the most part."

"These scrapes on your legs say otherwise." Tori grabbed the peroxide and began cleaning up Zendaya's exposed leg. The bottle of peroxide spilled on Zendaya's crotch. "Shoot uh sorry about that. I'll clean it up."

"No Tori it's fine I'll get it."

"No I got it. God I'm such an idiot."

"Tori stop it's fine, really. No harm done," Zendaya said flashing Tori with her famous smile. Tori's heart skipped a beat and Tori felt light headed all of a sudden.

"O-Okay. I'm gonna go do... something. Be right back." Tori quickly walked upstairs into her room leaving Zendaya alone in the living room.

She shut her door and took a deep breath. What the heck is going on, Tori thought.

The Next Day...

Dinah opened her locker and a note fell out. Dinah carefully bent down and grabbed the small piece of paper

Meet me at the bleachers during lunch

- Anon

Who is Anon? I don't remember an Anon in any of my classes, Dinah thought to herself. She grabbed her needed books and closed her locker with the note on her mind.

Someone bumped into her and slammed her books towards the ground. Instead of going straight to the ground they hit Dinah's baby bump making her groan.

"Slut." Dinah shook her head and bent down to grab her books. It hurt so badly tears began to talk from her eyes. Ally was walking pass and saw her friend struggling.

"Dinah what are you doing?"

"Trying to ignore the pain. My books slammed down on my stomach and it hurts so bad. Can you take me to the nurse please?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah I'll take you. C'mon," Ally said. She picked up Dinah's books and lead the pregnant teen to the nurse.

Ally knocked on the office door and said, "Ms. Caufmar I'm bringing my friend in."

"Go ahead." Dinah walked in holding her small baby bump. "Oh hello Dinah Jane. How are you?"

"I'm fine but I'm not so sure about my baby. Someone slammed my books on it and my stomach hurts."

"Um one second. I'm gonna call your mom to come get you."


"She'll pick you up after lunch I'll call you down when she gets here. Take it easy kid," the young nurse said.

"I will. Thank you Ms. Caufmar." Dinah linked arms with Ally and walked down the hall to her Algebra class.

"Sorry for making you late Allz."

"It's fine I have a pass. See you babes," Ally said kissing Dinah's cheek and walking away.

(Double update cause I feel like it)

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