Chapter 40

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Dinah's POV

I woke up feeling a pair of lips all over my face. I felt a body sit on top of mine, then a smaller body. Finally opening my eyes I look up to see my amazing girlfriend and beautiful daughter.

"Happy Mother's Day!" Zendaya cheered. Journey just squealed with her tiny hands in the air.

"Thank you guys. You're the best," I gushed.

"No you are," Zendaya said. She leaned over Journey and pecked my lips. "How's it feel to be a mother on mother's day?"

"Great. How does it feel for you?" I asked.

"Fantastic," she replied. "Let's get dressed while we let Journey play in the bouncer. Our moms wanna take us out to breakfast."

"More like brunch at this point," I said. I looked over at my clock that now read ten o'clock. Zendaya giggled before getting off my lap.

She kissed Journey's cheek and sat her on her hip. "Why're you still laying down babe?" She asked.

"So you can get in the shower first," I answered. She smiled cheekily.

"No no. When I said we're gonna get dressed, I meant together. We're gonna celebrate early today."

Oh really?

Author's POV

Claire, Milika, Journey, Zendaya and Dinah now sat around a table in a small diner they'd found. Milika and Dinah were talking about Journey, while Zendaya and her mother spoke about Claire's romance.

"Mom, what do you think about Steph?" Zendaya asked.

"She's a beautiful, intelligent, and brave woman who deserves the utmost respect," Claire said.

"That's oddly specific," Zendaya said. The brunette suddenly gasped. "You like Steph."

"No I don't," Claire lied.

"Like a rug you lie mother," Zendaya said.

"I don't think so."

"Are you sure? I have a gut feeling Steph is more than a friend momma," Zendaya inquired.

"Well she's not. Butt out Z," Claire said. The brunette then began to squeal.

"My mommy's got a crush. My mommy's got a crush," Zendaya said in a sing song manner.

"Daya's squealing. She never squeals," Milika whispered to Dinah.

"I know. I've never seen this before," Dinah whispered back. The blonde took her daughter out of her high chair. "Look Jay. You'll never see this again. Momma's acting like a girl."

"I can hear you both," Zendaya said. She smirked at Dinah.

"No baby, no," Dinah said scooting away from her girlfriend. Zendaya pulled the blonde close beginning to tickle the teen mom. Journey giggled at her mothers' display of affection.

"You guys are so cute," Milika gushed.

"I'm nothing compared to this angel," Dinah said pinching little Journey's cheek.

"Mama," Journey said holding Zendaya's finger. Zendaya and Dinah's eyes widened. "Mommy." She put her tiny hand on Dinah's face.

"M-My baby," Dinah stuttered. The brunette took her daughter holding her close. "Good job Jay."

Dinah kissed all over the blue eyed baby's face. "I'm so proud of you."


Zendaya kissed Dinah's neck. Dinah blushed with a smile as she held her sleeping baby. "This is has been the best day ever," Dinah said.

"I never thought I'd be spending mother's day with you so soon," Zendaya said.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," the blonde said. She turned her head kissing her girlfriend's lips. "I'm gonna pick a movie. What do you wanna watch?"

"Whatever you pick is fine baby," Zendaya said. Dinah handed Zendaya the baby before getting off the bed. The brunette stroked Journey's hair soothingly.

"I love you baby girl," Zendaya said. Dinah smiled at her family. She remembered the first time Zendaya got to hold Journey.

"Hey Journey. It's nice to finally meet you in person, and not talk to you through the belly or glass box," Zendaya chuckled. Journey reached up, touching her mama's face. The brunette kissed the small hands.

"You're so beautiful Journey. I love you so much baby. You're so tiny," Zendaya said. She held the curly haired girl's hand. "You make everything look so big compared to you."

Journey just stared at the teen. "You don't do much do you?" Journey moved her newly discovered arms stiffly. Zendaya smiled.

"I still love you anyways."

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