Chapter 6

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He was the one who raped Dinah. He tried to do the same to Daya. Luckily I was able to get the police in time.

A Few Hours Later...

Dinah still hadn't woken up. Zendaya grew more and more worried as each minute passed by. Dinah was breathing on her own, but hasn't been awake since she was in the ambulance.

Finally Dinah's eyes fluttered open. She looked to her side and saw Zendaya asleep on the couch of the hospital room. Dinah nudged her slightly. Zendaya slowly awoke. Once she saw Dinah she quickly rushed to her side.

"Hey baby girl. How you feelin'?" Zendaya asked.

"B-Better now that you're h-here," Dinah replied her voice a bit hoarse. Ally glimpsed over at Dinah seeing she was awake. She got the others attention, and trotted over toward her.

"Oh my gosh Dinah. You scared me don't ever do that to me again," Ally said. Dinah smiled weakly and chuckled. Everyone came towards Dinah to make sure everyting was okay.

"I'm fine everyone. kinda want to talk to Z." They looked at the two. "Alone."

"Well damn DJ," Normani retorted only to be smacked in the back of the head by Milika. The group walked out of the room, shuting the door behind them. As soon as the door shut Dinah pulled Zendaya into a passionate kiss. They soon had to part for air.

"You scared me. You scared me so much D," Zendaya said bringing Dinah into a protective hug. Tears brimmed her eyes. Dinah didn't know what to say. "I thought I lost you. If you died because of me I don't know what I'd do."

"Y-You didn't do a-anything Z. If a-anything it was m-my fault. I s-shouldn't hav-"

"No stop it. I shouldn't have confessed my feelings. I'm so sorry Dinah please forgive me," Zendaya said tears falling down her face.

"Never s-said I was mad at you Z. I'm actually glad you still c-care about me."

"Why do you think I wouldn't care about you? Dinah Jane I love you too much to stop caring about you." Dinah's eyes widened at Zendaya's words. Zendaya realized what she'd said and try'd to cover it up, but it was too late. "I-I mean lo-"

"It's okay Daya. I love you t-too," Dinah said leaning in for a kiss. "Would you be my girlfriend D?" Dinah nodded and there lips met. It was gentle. They parted from the kiss. Zendaya wrapped her arms around Dinah in a comforting way. Suddenly Dinah pushed the brunette off of her.

"You okay DJ?"

All she could say was "Trash give me the trash." Zendaya handed her the trash only for Dinah to empty all of insides into the trash.

"Oh my gosh. DJ I'll be right back. I'm gonna get your mom." With that she ran out into the hallway to retrieve Milika. "Milika something's wrong with Dinah."

Two Days Later...

After the squad helped Dinah leave the hospital, they all went over to her house. Once they made sure she was comfortable, they left.

"Z please don't go," Dinah said trying to restrain the older girl from leaving her.

"DJ I need to go. I have school in the morning. I promise I'll be back as soon as school's over. Just let me go please," Zendaya pleaded.

"Stay please," Dinah said pouting.

"Fine," Zendaya said giving in. Zendaya sat next to Dinah. The young Polynesian cuddled into her girlfriend's arms. The past week was hectic for the two girls, but they were in peace. For now...

(A/N: Hey guys. Sorry for the short chapter.

I'll try better next time. So what do you think will happen in the next chapter? What's gonna happen when/if the mothers finds out about Zendinah?

Hope you like the chapter. Bye😊💜).

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