Chapter 54

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"I assure you nothing is gonna happen."

Dinah sat in Zendaya's lap as they both looked for schools to send Journey to. "Do we really have to send her to school? We could just keep her home one more year and-"

"No DJ. I know how much you wanna keep her our baby, but she's gotta grow up at some point. And besides finals are coming up, and neither of us are gonna be able to watch her," Zendaya explained. Dinah pouted. "Hey, wipe that pout off your face before I fix it for you."

Dinah stuck her tongue out playfully at her fiancé. Zendaya giggled, kissing Dinah's cheek. After an hour or so they'd finally found a school they liked. Around that time Journey also woke up from her nap.

"Mommy!" Journey cried. Dinah immediately got up and walked to her daughter's room.

"I'm here baby. It's okay," Dinah cooed as she picked Journey up from her crib. "I think it's time we got you a big girl bed, huh mamas?" Journey nodded sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.

"Let's get you dressed and we'll tell momma." After the little girl was dressed and her hair was tamed, Dinah carried the two into the master bedroom.

"Hi J," Zendaya said taking Journey from Dinah's arms. She gave Journey a kiss on the nose. "How was your nap?"

"Good," Journey beamed. Dinah leaned on Zendaya's shoulder.

"It's time for her to get a big girl bed Daya. She's too big for her crib."

"I know. We'll get one soon."

"But when Daya, when?"

"Soon I promise babe. Don't worry your pretty little head about it," Zendaya said rubbing Dinah's arm assuringly.



Tori received a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown- I can help you get what you want

Tori- Who is this

Unknown- The answer to all your prayers

Tori- I don't know what you're talking about

Unknown- Ask Dinah how she got that beautiful family of hers

Tori was slightly skeptical, but if it meant she could get what she wanted in the end she didn't care. But after her little act a few weeks ago, her and Dinah agreed that they'd distance themselves for a bit. She had to figure out what's happened. But how.

She opened Safari on her phone and typed in Dinah Jane. A few articles popped up.

Local teen rape story. Learn how the convict escapes jail.

Dinah Jane Hansen. Rape or false accusations?

She tapped on the first one and began to read. The more she read the more it began to make sense. But where did Zendaya come into all of this? She clearly got together with Dinah after the blonde became pregnant. But why?


Journey bounced as she pointed to a white toddler bed with a pink canopy that flowed down the sides. "Dat one Mommies! Dat one!"

"Use your inside voice Journey," Dinah scolded. Zendaya looked at the price and blinked multiple times. "What's the damage?"

"$2,000," Zendaya whispered. They let out a sigh as they watched their daughter fawn over the princess bed. "Why do kids always pick the most expensive things?"

"Cause to them it looks pretty," Dinah said. "Journey, c'mere baby." Journey did as told, putting her hand in her mother's. "You know we love you right?"

The blue eyed girl nodded. "And we would do anything for you, but sometimes we can't," Zendaya went on.

"I no unerstan," Journey said. Dinah sighed and kissed Journey's forehead.

"We can't get the bed right now baby. Maybe you can pick out an-"

"No! I want dis one!" Journey said, beginning to cry. Dinah picked up Journey knowing what was about to happen.

"We told you, you can't get everything you want," Zendaya said.

"BUT I WANT IT!" Journey screeched. People were beginning to turn their heads and stare at them.

"Journey Maree. As soon as we get home you are on a big time out," Dinah said trudging towards the exit. Zendaya followed close behind the two.


Tori sat across from Camila as they shared a pizza from Dominoes. The blonde planned on getting her information from who she thought was the easiest of them all. "How are you Mila? Anything happening?"

"Well actually-"

"Y'know what I always wanted to know?" Tori asked.

"Who found bananas? I've been wanting to find out too," Camila said taking a bite of her pizza.

"No, I've always wanted to know how Dinah got pregnant with Journey. I never was told," Tori said. Camila took a hard swallow, trying to avoid the older woman's gaze. "Do you happen to know?"

"U-Um I m-mean I do but-"

"Can you tell me? Pleeasseeeee. I've been dying to know," Tori manipulated.

"I don't know. It's not my business to tell. You should ask Dinah or Zendaya," Camila suggested.

"I would but, we're kinda not talking right now," Tori said.

"Why? What happened?" Camila asked obliviously.

"Nothing important. Just a little falling out. So how about you tell me about Journey."

"Okay. Well, the beginning of Junior year Dinah had this huge crush on this dude named Justin. He liked her too, but we didn't know he just liked her for sex. Dinah was still a virgin at the time and she was exploring her surroundings. Daya just happened to be around her and they messed around from time to time. The day Justin asked her out was the day Z told her that she really like her. Dinah liked her too and chose Daya over Justin. He didn't like it when she tried to cancel their date so he raped her. Fast forward Zendaya and Dinah got caught messing around so their moms separated them. Eventually after Journey was born they got over it. And that's basically it," Camila explained.

Tori day there speechless. It all made sense now. Why Milika didn't want Zendaya around Journey or Dinah when she was born. Why Dinah was even pregnant in the first place. And why she stayed with Dinah after finding out about the pregnancy.

If she was being honest, Tori was beginning to get mad at Zendaya. They could've easily been together a long time ago after a quick break up with Alessia. But she couldn't stay mad with the brunette for long. All she knew was in the end they were going to be together.

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