Chapter 11

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"I love you too baby girl."

A Few Days Later...

"Come on Dinah. We have to go today."

"But Daya I don't want them to pick on me cause I'm fat."

Zendaya put her hand on Dinah's baby bump and said, "Baby you're far from fat. And if you didn't have this weight, you wouldn't look even more cute than usual." The brunette and her girlfriend shared a laugh. "But you also wouldn't be having my baby."

"Your baby?"

"Our baby. I wanna help you raise this child, and love them for who they are."

"Stop it. You're gonna make me cry," Dinah said, tearing up.

"Aww I didn't mean too. I'm sorry baby." Zendaya kissed Dinah's forehead and gave her a bearhug.

"It's fine. Let's just go to school," Dinah said, putting a fist in the air.

"Yay, school."

"Said no one ever,"both girls said at the same time. They laughed and began to make their way to the car.

The pair walked into the school. Students were still at their lockers. When they got to Dinah's locker, Zendaya stopped in her tracks.

"What's wrong baby?"Dinah asked concerned.

"Nothing's wrong. Let me open your locker for you," Zendaya said trying to get to the locker first.

Dinah lightly pushed Zendaya out of the  way and said, "No, it's fine Daya I can do it. I'm a big girl." Her smile disappeared when she saw the locker. It was covered with words that were usually said to her face by Marissa and her friends.

Whore, Slut, You don't deserve to eat, Fat bitch, Kill yourself and that baby, I feel sorry for Zendaya.

Who could say such things to such a sweet human being.

"Well, well, well. Look who's back." Speak of the devil. Marissa Clark. "Hey Zendaya. Hey fat ass. Do you like our gift? It was made just for you."

Her friends giggled, while Dinah just looked at her feet. "What's your problem?"

"Excuse me?" Marissa asked.

"You heard me. What's your problem with Dinah? She's done absolutely nothing to you, and you want to pick on her why?"Zendaya asked. They were all silent. "Exactly. If I see any of you picking on her again we're gonna have a problem, got it?"

Marissa scoffed and walked away followed by her friends. "You know you didn't have to do that right?" Dinah commented.

"Yeah but I didn't want them messing with you. Besides I'll always be there for you baby girl. I want you to remember that okay?" Dinah nodded and walked alongside Zendaya to class.

Music class always started their days off well. And today was gonna be even better. Normani and Ally weren't there yet but Camren was. It seemed like they weren't talking to each other. When Camila saw Zendaya she immediately attacked her in a koala hug.

"Camila what the hell?!" Zendaya exclaimed.

"I missed you," Camila said kissing Zendaya all over her face. Dinah sat next to Lauren.

"Hey Lauren you okay?"Dinah asked.


"Care to share why?"

"Camila knows why," Lauren said.

"I told you already I'm sorry. I didn't know it was yours," Camila said getting off the floor and sitting on the other side of her girlfriend.

"Oh really you didnt know the Chipotle labeled This is Lauren's Do Not Eat wasn't mines?"

"Mine," Zendaya said taking her seat.


"You mean mine. Mines isn't a word unless you're referring to an actual mine that people work in," Zendaya corrected.

"Grammar Queen shut down once again. Look at my baby being all smart. We don't get to see that often," Dinah said.

"Thanks babe," Zendaya said thinking about what her girlfriend said. "Hey!"

Dinah began to laugh along with Lauren and Camila. Zendaya crossed her arms and pouted. The warning bell for class rang and NormAlly still wasn't there yet.

"Where's Normani and Ally?" Dinah asked.

"We're right here," Normani said walking into class holding Ally's hand. "We had a few detours getting here."

"Oh Ally," Zendaya said getting her attention. "Pull your dress down. And Normani you got lipstick on your neck." The two blushed and fixed their  problems.

"Yeah that happened and when we walked out we found someone," Ally said. The girls looked toward the door and saw the blonde curls they'd seen almost everyday when they were younger.

"Tori!"they said in unison. Everyone except Dinah got up to greet her.

Dinah smiled and waved.
"Hey Tori. If you want a hug, you're gonna have to come down here," Dinah said. Tori gave Dinah a hug.

Zendaya was the last one. She gave her a hug inhaling The sweet Beyonce perfume  Zendaya was wearing. She stared into Zendaya's brown eyes a little too long for Dinah's liking, but she didn't address it. The bell for class rang and everyone took their seats.

After school all seven girls went over to Zendaya's house since there were less people. Tori still didn't know Dinah was pregnant, but she was about to find out soon.

Dinah was upstairs trading her sweatshirt for one of Zendaya's. Dinah was just about to put on the shirt when Tori walked in.

"Hey Dinah Zen-" Tori stopped in her tracks and looked with wide eyes at Dinah's baby bump.

"H-Hey Tori."

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