On the streets!

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Bey's POV

Me an Jay just went out to Friday's for a date night while my mom and my sister Solange watched our Blue Blue tonight. Me and Jay our now walking down these streets cause we are waiting for Julius to get out of traffic to pull up the car for us. To get away from the paparazzi, we walked down this town that is a little run down and not many people here. Actually all the streets were empty...

Bey: Thanks so much Jay for dinner.😘
Jay: Anything for you baby!😘

As they were walking Bey got this strange feeling someone was following them and not the paparazzi...
Bey: (whispers) Jay, I think someone has been following us and he doesn't seem nice or like a fan
Jay: Bey it's probably just a shadow or something. Julius should be here in like 15 mins or so
Bey: ok
Jay: don't worry baby I got you.

For 5 mins straight a guy has been following Bey and Jay. Jay and Bey now know that they were really being followed. So they decided to walk faster back towards Fridays where Julius said he would pick them up. As they were walking faster, Bey tripped over a rock and Jay was about to pick her up when...

Bey: JAY HELP ME!!!!😭

The stranger picked her up and put her over his shoulders and started running away. Jay was running as fast as he could. Without realizing it, the stranger went into a dark ally and was a dead end...
The stranger had Beyonce by her neck and she was crying scared. The stranger pulled out a gun and held it to her head...
Jay: TAKE ME!!! Don't hurt her please! Just take me!!!!
Stranger: NEVER!!!
Bey: who are you?
The stranger pulled his hoodie off and it was Beyonce's ex Lyndell!....
Lyndell: yes it's me now Shut Up!!!
Bey: why are you doing this?!
Lyndell: Ever since you left me, my life has been tragic, all because of you!
Bey: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make your life miserable but I'm sure there's someone else out there for you
Lyndell: Nope!
Jay: Alright man just please let her go! I'll give you money anything you need but just please give me my wife back.
The gun was now pointed towards Jay...
Lyndell: who should I kill first?!
Jay had dialed 911 secretly. They would be there in 5 minutes. Lyndell kept getting more and more mad each second he now started throwing Beyonce around hitting her against the dumpster and smashed her head in an abandoned building window and a piece of glass cut into Bey's neck. She had blood all over the face. Her throat had been cut and head was bleeding like crazy. Jay got really mad.
Jay started fighting Lyndell and knocked him out cold.
Beyonce was laying on the ground unconscious.
Jay: Bey Bey Bey? Can you here me baby? Stay awake!
Bey didn't say anything, her eyes slowly closed. Her breathing was off. Jay was now in tears.
Jay: Don't go!😭 you were the best thing that ever happened to me!
2 minutes later, the police came and took Lyndell away and the ambulance just showed up.
Paramedic: Alright she has uneven breathing and a huge cut on her head and throat and major bleeding. Let's get her on the stretcher.
Jay was right by Bey's side in the ambulance truck crying holding her hand.
Paramedic: sir, I'm sure she will be just fine
Jay: I really hope so.
They get the hospital and they take Beyonce to the back
Nurse: I'm sorry sir but you can't go back there
Jay: You don't understand that's my wife!!!!!😭I need to be by her side!!!
Nurse: I understand but please, wait here.
Jay waited in the waiting room crying his eyes out for 30 minutes.
Doctor: Mr. Carter?
Jay: yes is she ok?!! Please don't tell me she died!!!😭
Doctor: sir, your wife is perfectly fine and breathing is back to normal.
Jay hugged the doctor and sighed in relief.
Jay: thank you soo much!! Can I go see her now?
Doctor: yes you may
They walk all the way to room 491. Beyonce was awake and alittle groggy but when she saw Jay walk in the room, she immediately turned happy and cried in tears of joy. Jay hugged Bey tightly.
Jay: I'm so sorry, this is all my fault! It should be me in this hospital his all my fault!baby I love you soo much!😭
Bey: it wasn't your fault at all! Baby it's not your fault it's Lyndells
They share a passionate kiss. 2 days later. Bey and Jay are back to normal and continue on with there days.

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