Found love in a hopeless place

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Bey's POV
I was walking by myself from eating at my favorite restaurant, Red Lobster, and I was walking and the town I was in was very quiet and barely any people on the streets and its late at night. I was walking to my car 3 blocks down cause I couldn't find a single damn parking space closer to the restaurant. As I was walking during the 1st block, I had this feeling someone was behind me. Then this person behind me's footsteps started walking faster. I looked behind me for a millisecond and there's this guy all in black putting on a mask and a gun in his pocket. I ran down an alley way and there was a little space I could squeeze though to get out of the other end. As I was running down the alley way, I tripped, damn louis vuitton heels. I really hurt my ankle, I think I twisted it. I can't get up. The guy stood in front of me while I was on the ground, I still had my purse on me.He grabbed my neck and held me against the wall and then he spoke...
Guy: So, Beyonce, you recognize my voice?!
Bey:I don't know what *cough* your talking about. *hard for to speak while he has his grip on her neck*
Guy: first lemme me see what you got in that purse.*rips it off of Bey's arm and grabs her wallet and puts it in his pocket*
Bey: What do you *cough* want from me?!
Guy: so you really don't know who I am?
Bey: no!
Guy: *takes mask off* surprise bitch!
Bey: Lyndell?!
Lyndell: *giggles and pulls gun to her head and makes Bey start crying* ever since you left me cause you decided to "be independent and stop dating" you made my life a living hell! If you had stayed with me we could've made against the world like we Bonnie and Clyde. Now, killing you right here right now, will solve my problems.
Bey: Lyndell I'm sorry, I'm sure there's someone el...
Lyndell: SHUT UP, Say goodbye forever
As soon as I yelled that, he threw me across all around the alley way making me weak. He literally threw me multiple times around this alley way. It was getting cold outside and I felt cold and weak. I had cuts all over my body and my new outfit is torn. I'm lying on the ground like I'm dead at a crime scene. Lyndell walks over and puts the gun to my chest. I close my eyes waiting for the bullet when I heard someone...
Jay's POV
Man tonight I think is the night I want to ask Beyonce to be my girl...I heard someone say help. I peaked on the alley way to seeing Beyonce abused. No one touched my soon to be or hopefully girlfriend! I was planning to sneak attack on him. I walked up to him behind his back and I said
Jay: Yo imma kill you! Get off of my friend!
Lyndell: *turned around and stepped on Bey's chest and pointed the gun at Jays head.  Why, what is she your wife or something?😂she's a piece of worthless trash! You bitch! *kicks Bey in the face*
Jay: I warned you! *knocks Lyndell out with one punch and Lyndell falls to the ground*
I kneeled down over to be on the ground and cradled her in my arms as she cried.
Bey: Thank you soo much Jay! You saved my life!
Jay: of course! You're my best friend!
Bey: Tbh, I , I like you.
Jay: oh what a relief. I was going to buy some flowers so I could ask you if you would wanna be my girlfriend. I think if you gave me a chance, I promise to love you all the time. So, you wanna be my girlfriend?
Bey: *sat up and kissed him passionately on the lips* does that answer your question?
Jay: Hell yeah it does! Now let's call 911 and get you to the hospital.
Bey: ok, thanks boo!😘
Jay: no problem baby!😘

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