Midnight scream

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Bey's POV
Bey: night baby*kisses him*
Jay: night babe
Since we are basically royalty and on 10 houses, we are staying in the family house which the whole family combined our money with. It's just a house for a the whole family to sleep over. 1 room for everybody. I put complete security systems for the kids. I'd die if anyone took them away from me. Sir, Rumi, and Sir are all sleeping in the same room cause I feel safer if they did. Jules is grown so he gets his own room .Sir and Rumi are 5 yrs old and blue is 10yrs old and I feel myself ageing slowly. Jay wraps his arms around me and we slowly fall asleep. In the middle of my sleep, I wake up to hear one of the kids screaming on top of their lungs "MOMMY DADDY!!!" My heart races and Jay and I spring up out of bed and race to their room. They're on the third and all the adults on the second floor. We all raced upstairs, Momma T & G, Solo, her hubby, Angie, Ty, and Julez. One kid up there is screaming bloody murder and we all ran as fast as we could. I was first to enter the room and I saw Sir on the floor having a seizure. I run to his side and told Ty to call 911. Jay helped me turn him over so he dosent choke on his toungue and/or hurt himself. His eyes were rolling to the back of his head, his body shaking , and foaming of the mouth. Jay and I are crying trying to help Sir. We've never experienced this from him before. It lasted about 5 minutes and the ambulance arrived and drove Jay and I to the hospital with Sir and everyone else drove there. We get to the hospital and they take Sir back. We all wait in the waiting room crying. Sir is only 2 years old, this is not good. We wait 4 hours and it's not 3 am. The doc suddenly comes down the hall and Jay and I walk up to him.
Doc: hi, I'm doctor Jefferson and are you the parents of Sir Carter?
Jay&Bey: yes
Doc: well, I'm sorry to say that your son has a growing tumor in his brain and we need to get surgery on him straight away.
Jay and I fall to the ground crying hysterically. The family was watching but couldn't hear the conversation.
Mama G
As soon as we saw them fall to the ground crying, we all got weak and cried even harder. We are all in shock and can't even comprehend what's happening.
Bey's POV
AGHG😭I love my son with beyond the capacity of my heart. If anything bad happens to my kids, I'll lose myself forever. I would die for my kids. Hearing this is what no parent should ever hear. Apparently we have to wait an hour for him to come out of surgery. Jay and I are holding eachother tight praying with tears. We go over and tell the fam the full story.
1 hour later...
Doc: Carter and Knowles Family?
We all stand up. The doc was lightly crying.
Doc: I'm very sorry for your loss. We tried everything we could.
Jay's POV
I held Bey again and dropped to the ground. Our child gone?!! I can't I don't I-I feel empty! MY SON!!😭this cant be happening. Agh!
Bey's POV
That's it. One of my soul purposes of living has died. I failed as a parent. He was so special and funny. I don't understand why this is happening. I WANT MY BABY BACK!!😭
Our lives have never been the same afte this day.

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