Grammy disaster

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Jay's POV
🤤Ahh this is one of those nice family night moments. Me, my wifey, and our 3 kids. I love my family soo much. We are at the Grammys and so far I've only won 1 Grammy tonight and Bey has 3. But I don't care. Why do I need a Grammy? My family is my own award. We're sitting down waiting for the staff to tell us to sit and on live.
Jay: Babe, I'mma talk to Chance the Rapper about a collab real quick.
Bey: K babe, I'll be here with our 3.
Bey's POV
I have a bad feeling about tonight for some reason. I'm kind of nervous having my 3 kids here. Atleast both momma T & G are here with me. They're all behaving tonight thank god. 5 mins later, everyone gets a minute warning to sit. Jay comes back and as soon as he sits down, a security guard charges down our aisle and grabs Sir. Jay and I have never ran that far before. This guy is definitely not a security guard. We chase him with Julius behind us and he runs into the bathroom and locks it. Julius was strong enough and broke the door open. We only discover that he went out the window. I'm having a full blown heart attack. Jay and I are a team and we didn't stop there. We ran out the building and looked up and down the streets. Now is the time that I started breaking down in the middle of the street. I couldn't see or walk. Everything is blurry. Jay is coming across the street when a car speeds and hits him hard in the middle of the street. He flew in the air and you could hear his head crack. By now I'm really a mess. I get up and come to his side. He had no pulse. Soon people came right over from the Grammy building and helped us. They called 911 and mommas came outside with the kids. They were crying hysterically as well. How did soo much happen in 5 minutes. The ambulance eventually got here and took jay in and they threw me in there with mommas and Solange busted trough the car doors. We all sat in the back crying as they tried to revive Jay. They tried all their might but he died and they couldn't do anything. It was already too late. I'm numb at this point. My husband is dead and my son is missing. I got my two girls here crying with us. My two year old son is lost. I'm trying to figure out who it could've been. We get to the hospital and take him to a room. We wait a long 10 minutes in the waiting room and the doc is coming out
Doc: Carter Family?
Me, Solange, mommas G & T, Ty, Michelle, and Kelly stand up
Doc: we're so sorry for your loss.
I fell to the ground and passed out. I woke up in a hospital bed next to Jay. My family is standing around crying and traumatized.
Solange: oh thank god she's ok. I can't take anymore of this!
As I look around the room, I see a person holding a gun in the hall carrying Sir. He comes through the room and points the gun at me. We all freeze. It was the security guard.
Everyone left the room to go get hospital security but the sg locked the door. Sir was scared straight crying.
Beyoncé: WHY???
SG: Back before he married you, he married another woman named Kathy. Their relationship was way stronger than yours rn. She deserves him not you. Due to his carelessness I killed him. And your son should be raised how Kathy would want him to be
Beyoncé: You're not taking my child away from me. And fuck your sister, fuck all y'all. I want my son back.
He throws my son across the room and right into the tv. He passed out. I get up and come to his side. He has a pulse but just knocked out. The hospital security is trying hard to get the door open. I cry with my son in my hands in the corner. Is this it? This is how my life is ending.
SG: I glued those doors shut so aint no one getting in here. *points gun at Bey* any last words.
I look at Jay and my son.
Beyoncé: *ready to take the bullet* I love you Sir and Jay Carter!
I closed my eyes and waited for him to shoot when all of a sudden I look up to see Jay pushing the SG and trying to get his gun. After fighting him, he gets the gun and shoots the SG. Am I going crazy or is Jay really a zombie? Wtf?
Jay: aint nobody touching my family. Fuck Kathy!
Bey: *scared* Shawn wwww—whataataat?
Jay: baby! *kneels down and helps Bey onto the bed* you ok? Oh my son
Bey: How??
Jay: I don't know. All I know is that I got hit my a car and went to heaven and God told me to stay back on Here for you. He brought me back to you.
Bey: omg 😭I love you so fucking much!*kisses all over him*
I didn't relalize the family was already in the room watching and crying. I love Shawn. Thank god he gave me my man back.

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