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Solange POV
I felt like going to surprise my man at work. I've missed him and hate when he works. I get to his office building and get to his office and open the door only to see... him cheating on me?!!? He was kissing and touching her all on his desk. I decided to just run to Bey and Jay cause they're my #1 support system. I hop in my car and drive to their house. I cry the whole way. What did I do wrong? Why did he do this? I've been loyal since day 1. I was going to marry him and have a family. The engagement is way off. I can't believe him. I get to Jay and Bey's house. I charge through the door and it opens and I immediately hugged whoever opened it. And just let the tears go. I looked up and saw Jay. He took me inside from the pouring rain. He gave me a towel and had me sit on the couch and he sat next to me.
Solo: Where's Bey?
Jay: at a meeting. She won't be back until a couple of hours. Why are you crying? What happened?
Solo: I found Daniel cheating on me in his office*breaking down* what did I do wrong Jay?
He hugged me tight as I cried into his chest.
Jay: you didn't do anything wrong Solo! It's his ass. A lot of guys cheat for unexcusable reasons, take it from a guy whose has done it before. He'll learn he fucked up right after he busts his nut.
I giggled.
Solo: so what should I do? Should I tell him or how should I break it to him. I wanna give him a second chance because I love him too much to let him go.
Jay: drop a settle hint that you caught him and just talk with him. Talking is the key to relationships.
Solo: *wipes eyes and gets out of his grip* thanks Jay. Man Bey's lucky to have you*kisses his cheek*
I know it's wrong but I want him. He looks so sexy rn. I'm sure if we don't say anything, Bey won't notice. I kiss him on his big ol' lips and took him by surprise. He made a disgusted face and didn't kiss back. He got up and wiped his mouth. Fuck!
Solo: *tears up* Jay I'm so sorry! It was the heat of the moment!
Jay: You're lucky I'm not telling Bey.
Jay's POV
Wow! I can't believe she did that. It just feels wrong. But her lips did taste good tho. And a man ain't bust a nut in a minute. Ah fuck it. Bey's not going to find out. I push her up against the wall. And rip her towel off, exposing her breast through her wet clothes. She kisses me back and we kiss hard.
Solo: Jay fuck me!
I lay her down on the couch and take all her clothes off and I get ontop of her kissing her up and down her body. I lift her shirt up and take off her pants. I pull off my shirt and pull my pants down to my ankles not completely taking them off (no underwear or boxers). Things start going very fast and Soloange is now riding me.
Solo: Jay you're so fucking big! I'm gonna cum!
Jay: Ride my dick*closes eyes* I'm gonna bust too! Ah shit! Cum solo! Cum all over my dick!!
As she is now orgasming and cumming on my dick, I get into the moment and thrust my hips in her shooting my cum all inside her. It felt so good busting a nut after Bey being gone for weeks. Once we finished, we clean ourselves up. We get back on the couch and then everything hit us! We stared at eachother and said at the same time...
Jay: Shit!
Solo: Omg! Jay!!
All of a sudden, Bey walks through the door with a big ass smile and surprised when she saw Solo next to me. I ran to give my baby some lovin'.
Jay: Baby, you're home early!
Bey: yes and I'm too exhausted. Solo what you doin here?
Solo:*hugs Bey* I caught Daniel cheating on me in his office. If only I saw this girl, I would've fucked her up. But I was more upset than angry. I went over here to tell y'all but only Jay was here and he really gave me good advice
Bey: Solo I'm so sorry!
Bey's POV
Omg, that was a close one. Solo left after talking with her and Jay and I went upstairs to bed. We lay next to eachother. I feel regret in my stomach.
Jay's POV
That would be funny if Bey was cheating on me with Daniel.
2 weeks later...
I got up before Bey and we made love all night last night. She's still in a sex coma in bed and I got up for a cup of coffee. I get a sudden phone call from Solange. We've chosen to forget the sex we had a few weeks ago. I picked it up and it sounded like she was crying.
Jay: Solo? What's wrong?
Solo: Shawn, I'm pregnant.
I dropped my glass coffee on the floor in shock
Jay: you don't think it's-
Solo: no jay it's you cause Daniel and I haven't had sex in months before I did anything with you!
All of a sudden I hear Bey throwing upstairs.
Jay: Solange, Beyoncé is throwing up I'll call you later. Just relax breath and let everything set in. I gotta go, bye*hangs up phone and sprints upstairs*
I walk into the bedroom bathroom and see Bey hunched over the toilet. I held her hair back.
Bey: Jay, I took a pregnancy test before I just threw up. Um, *sniff* I'm pregnant.
I'm confused. We didn't have sex in weeks and I didn't even cum inside her. Did she-
Jay: Did you cheat on me? Beyoncé we ain't have sex in a month.
Bey's POV
I can't hold it in anymore. I start crying my eyes out.
Bey: Jay, I'm so sorry, I cheated on you!*breaksdown crying*'
Jay: *angry* what???with who Daniel?
Bey: Yea I'm soo sorry. Jay he was having issues with Solange and one thing led to another.
He stopped looking anger and sighed and sat on the floor with me with his arm around me as I bawled on him. He sighs again.
Jay: Bey I cheated on you with Solange and she's pregnant too
Wow, I can't believe we both fucked up. I'm not telling Solo cause I don't wanna lose her.
Months later...
Jay and I agreed that we wouldn't tell our kids because it's a regret that will live on forever but we love the kids just like our own. Life goes on

Authors Note: shout out to @jayonce4408 for the suggestion of Solange and Jay z short stories. Y'all let me know what other short stories or long stories I should do. Comment below...

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