School bus

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Bey's POV
It's the first day of 4th grade and I'm beyond nervous.
Tina:Bey hurry up, the bus will be here in one minute!
I finished up my breakfast and grabbed my back pack. I hugged my mom
Bey: momma I'm nervous.
Tina:don't be, your gonna survive. You're a survivor. Just be yourself and you'll find your real friends. Now hurry up, the bus is waiting. Bey: Bye mom!
Tina:bye baby! Have a good first day of school.
As I got on the bus, all the kids were already making fun of me. They were whispering and laughing.
Kid: eww, why are her ears so big? She look like a troll.
Kid: why is she wearing that, she look like she the fattest kid in school. Her glasses make her look nerdy. And that hair is nasty.
I sat in the back where one seat was left that no one was sitting at. I am very shy and I want to cry so badly. No one likes me already. This is going to be a long bus ride.
Jay's POV
I hugged my mom before leaving to go get on the bus.
Mama G: bye Shawn, have a good day
I walked on the bus and everyone thinks I'm the coolest kid in school. Ever since 1st grade. I see a lot of seats taken except one in the back which is a two seater and this pretty girl is sitting there looking out the window. She seems shy. I walk to her seat and ask her if I can sit there. She looked up at me and nodded her head. I sat down. Everyone is staring.
Jay: Im Shawn, but my friends call me Jay. *holds out hand for her to shake*
Before she does so, kids shouted,
Kid: eww! Jay no. Don't touch that thing. She's disguisting!
Kid: Jay were so sorry you have to sit next to that animal.
Kid: I mean have you see
I could see the pain in this girls eyes when they picked on her. I feel like she was someone special. When I yelled infront of all those kids for her, she jumped and looked confused and shocked.
Jay: y'all best stop pickin on my friend here. Now y'all turn around and leave us alone!
They all did so.
Bey: thank you Shawn, I'm Beyoncé. *shakes hands with Shawn*
Jay: anytime, and I love your name. It's so pretty like you*blushes*
Bey's POV
Did he just call me pretty. I think I'm in love. No kid had ever called me that. He is so cute.
Bey: thank you Shawn*blushes*
Jay: please call me Jay
I think this school year is going to be fun after all thanks to Shawn.

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