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*Requested by @jayonce4408 *
Jay's POV
Today, Bey and I are going to go on the Maury show. I've been getting speculation that Beyonce has cheated on me for revenge around the time she found out she was pregnant with Blue and then years later, the twins. Something ain't right and this guy called me at my studio office the other day and said that blue is his baby. There's another guy claiming the twins is his. So I'm so confused and the trust in this marriage is so messy. I wanna expose this bitch once and for all. We all stand together behind the stage and we all mean mug eachother.
Maury: Hello Audience, welcome! Today, we have a very special case dealing with the three most popular celebrities on the planet: Jay Z, Drake, Julius, and Beyoncé herself.
Audience went crazy after hearing Beyoncé's name.
Maury: So please let us bring out Beyonce
Beyoncé's POV
I can't believe my relationship has gotten me to the Maury show. Ugh. I'm scared of what Jays reactions will be. I did some things I'm not so proud of. Jay and I are still not on the best speaking terms. I walk out and everyone cheered on for me.
Maury: and next, let's welcome Beyoncé's husband and the most successful richest rapper out there, Mr. Jay Z. Haha, he walks out and the audience barely hoorays. Sounds about right.
Maury: So, what is it that brought you two here today?
Jay: Well, I've been relieving a lot of calls saying that these amazing kids aren't mine biologically. And I feel as if Beyonce tried to get revenge on me when I cheated on her around those times. So I'm just a lil curious here.
Bey: Y'all know I don't have that mentality to even do that. I stay loyal to you till the end of time.
Maury: well, we'll see about that. Today we have Drake and her body guard Julius to talk to as well bc Jay received texts saying that these two are the baby daddy's. Drake, Julius come on out.
Shit😶This gon be bad. They walk out and Jay gives them the evil eye. They sit on the chairs next to Jay. Jay looks like he's ready to pounce on them and Julius and Drake look scared af.
Maury: so, we let's get right to it. We asked Beyonce if she's ever had sex with Drake, she said no, lie detector determined that that was a lie.
Jay immediately got up and charged at Jay but security got to him right on time.
Jay: imma fuckin kill you man!
Maury: Jay Z, please sit down, we're just getting started.
He sits back down.
Jay: You're a fuckin whore
Bey: yea, hurts don't it
Audience: OOHHH!!!
Jay: fuck outta here!
Maury: We asked Beyonce if she really does love Jay Z, lie detector determined that that was the truth
Jay: mmmhm she oh you to say that?
Maury: haaha, nope. We asked Beyonce if she's ever had sex with Julius, she said no, lie detector determined that that was a lie.
He charges for Julius but security again saves the day. He sits back down.
I start crying. I feel like total shit.
Bey: Jay, baby, I'm so so-
Jay: Idgaf
Maury: Ok everybody, this is the big one. The DNA results. Telling by the DNA test, Jay Z, you are not Blue Ivy's father!
He breaks down crying, in pain. I can't even breath.
Maury: DNA results show that Drake is Blue Ivy's dad
He charges at Drake and security was a little late this time as Jay gives Drake a good punch to the face. Almost knocked him out.
Bey: No Jay! Don't be mad at him. It was all my fault!
Jay: you fucked my fuckin wife man??!! Imma kill you! You know what, I don't care anymore, we getting a divorce anyways. *sits back in chair*
Maury: Ok, telling by the DNA results about Jay Z being the twins real father, Jay Z, you are not the father. DNA test results show that Julius is the father!
Audience: OOOOOHHHH!!!
He again charges at Julius but security gets him. This time Julius tries to get around security and fight Jay
Julius: you know damn well Jay that I was more loyal than you ever were to Beyoncé! She told me that we had the best sex ever and that she loved me. Didn't you Beyonce?!
I looked up and kept crying as Maury rubbed my back.
Jay: YOURE A FUCKING WHORE‼️*throws ring at her*
Jay leaves the stage. The audience boos me. Drake and Julius sit dumbfounded.
Bey: I'm so sorry guys.
Drake&Julius: it's alright.
Drake: after seeing how he treats you, we couldn't help but feel bad and our feelings fell for you.
Maury: alright everybody, thank you for watching and have a great day everybody.
The audience leaves and I think my career just ended on national television. I go back stage with Julius and Drake and see Jay throwing shit everywhere yelling. I go up to him and try to hug him but he takes his arms away. He gets into my face and yells
All of a sudden, Drake lightly pushes me away as Julius charges at Jay and they start fighting. I guess Julius and Drake made amends. Security broke Jay and Julius up. We all leave and take separate cars except for Julius. I ask him to take me to my mommas house. I look down at my phone and see my whole family calling me mean names and my friends too.
Bey: oh Julius. I don't know what to do. I feel horrible and I I can't breath. No one will ever like me or even want to talk to me know
Julius: I'm still here Bey and I will be there for our kids. Drake will be there too. We talked it out before hand.
Bey: thank you, that means a lot. I'm just nervous going to my moms house.
We get there and I knock on the door. The door opens and I see Solange and Mom with mean muggin faces. Julius and I walk in and Solange starts beating me up.
Solo: you are a fuckin whore! How fuckin could you do that to Jay?
Bey: *crying* please stop!
Mom comes and breaks it up.
Mom: Beyoncé, I'm so disappointed in you! Don't you dare ever fuckin come into this house unless it's a emergency about my gradebabies!
They push me out and Julius catches me.
Julius: you wanna head to my place?
Bey: please.
It was a quiet ride to his house but we get there. Jays mom is watching the kids and I sure as hell won't be allowed over there any time soon. We get into Julius house.
Julius: here sit down on the couch, I'll go get you some water.
I sit down and he comes back with water. He sits next to me and grabs my hand. I look him in the eye.
Bey: fuck me, fuck me sensless. Make me forget today.
His boner pops right up and we get started. Just what I need. All of a sudden, Drake walks in and sees us.
Drake: can I join in?😈
A/N: should there be a part 2 of this or nah?

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