Bruised 2

675 14 1

Bey's POV
We were all sitting at the dining room table and her parents walked in. You could feel the vibe that something is bout to go down...
*Jaylens dad name is robert /
Mom name is Kelly
Rob: what the hell are you two doing here?!
Wow his attitude changed a lot.
Bey: we just wanted to sit down and talk about somethings that may be bothering you two and Jaylen had told me that she feels mistreated..
I was standing while talking to him and al of a sudden, I was punched in the face and knocked down on to the floor. He hit me so hard that I fell and made me a little dizzy. Jaylen kneeled by me asking me if I was ok and comforting me. Jay had immediately charged at Robert and they fought fiercely. They were tearing up the whole house. Robert pinned Jay against the wall and held a knife in his hands trying to stab Jay in the neck. I climbed on top of Ribert but he just knocked me down to the floor again. This guy was a strong one. All of a sudden we all here a BOOM! Someone was shot! I prayed it wasn't Jay. Jay fell to the ground with Robert on top and I heard the knife go into somebody's stomach. We all froze for a sec and then Jay pushed Robert off slowly. And I ran to Jay on the ground and gave him hugs and kisses and Robert looked like he was shot!
Bey: Jay did you stab him?!
Jay: no, he just stabbed himself. And look there's a gun shot! Is he dead? Wait, who did this?
We all looked up at Kelly. She had a gun in her hand and looked angry...
Jaylen: yes mama "she teared up*
She walked upstairs shocked and sad.
Bey & Jay: we're soo sor...
Kelly: Just just, just save it and get out of here. None of you will speak of this agreed?!
Bey & Jay: agreed!
So, turns out that Jaylen lived with her Grandma after her mom went to jail. Me and Jay are off to our busy lives again but we come around to go visit Jaylen here and there.
The end.

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