Blue schoo

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Blue POV
I get on the bus for the first day of first grade and I'm really nervous and mommy warned me since we're famous, don't let anyone use you. Everyone is asking me 100 questions on mommy and daddy and I just want to make real friends. I kind of get shy and don't pay attention to them. I wanna go home 😭
Bey's POV
Jay: *walking with Bey into house* Baby, stop crying, she's gonna be fine.
Bey: it's not that, it's my first baby going to first grade!
He pulls me into his chest.
Jay: Babe, that's how you know we're doing our job as parents. Plus, we got two more little one running around here. They some heavy sleepers
Bey:*lifts her head up* thanks baby*kisses him* you think they're asking her a bunch of questions?
Jay: I don't wanna lie and say they aren't for sure but I'm not sure. Probably but as long as she keeps her head high, she'll be fine.
Blue POV
There is 20 more minutes till we go home. This day has been horrible. I haven't made any friends and all they care about is mommy and daddy. We are now partnering up with a partner and I get this girl named Autumn as my partner. We have to color a picture together with our ideas combined. We start coloring
Autumn: you don't talk much do you?
I don't answer cause I don't want to answer anymore questions.
Autumn: you know I don't why your parents had an ugly daughter that's you. You are hideous and would it kill you to talk. Eww you're so gross. Even your hair is.
I silently cry but continue coloring. I'm hurt she's saying all this.
Autumn: everyone look how ugly her hair is! *sticks a paint brush in Blues hair and leaves t there and gets paint all over her hair*
I can't believe she did that! What did I do wrong? She then drops a bucket that had Blue paint and dumped it on my head. Eveyone was laughing and the teacher came over and tried taking the bucket off my head but it was stuck. She tried pulling one more time and it came off and threw me on to the ground.
Teacher: Blue! I'm so sorry!*helps Blue stand*EVERYONE APOLOGIZE TO BLUE RIGHT NOW!
Everyone: sorry*sarcasm*
They still giggle and whisper mean things anyway.
Teacher. Let's get you all cleaned up*takes her to classroom sink and gets paper towels and tried to get the paint off as much as she can but it only slightly comes off.
Teacher: sorry Blue I tried my best
Blue: it's ok, I'll just fix it when I go home.
I go back to my seat and see Autumn finished the picture already without me. That's not fair!
I sit in my seat quietly while Autumn keeps picking on me. I try my hardest not to break out crying. I let a few tears slip. It's finally the end of school and I get on the bus to go home and I'm the last bus stop. 45 mins later, and I'm home. I go up to my house door and knock on the door. Mommy and daddy open the door immedietly with a giant smile to a sudden worry on their face.
They took me inside and I just let out everything I was feeling at school today crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore. They close the door and take me to the bathroom for a bath.
Jay's POV
Who did this to my baby?? No one does this to my daughter. She cried her heart out and couldn't answer us when we asked what happened. We got her into the bath and she's died down with crying.
Bey: Baby*washing her up* What happened today?
Blue: Momm Daddy I'm sorry for crying
Bey&Jay: baby don't apologize.
Jay: baby, it's ok to let out your feelings. It's nothing to apologize for.
Bey: Exaclty what daddy said. Was there a lot of kids asking you about us?
Blue: mommy I couldn't take it! They were asking left and right and having me write my name on papers and it's all too much mommy*crying again* an-and-and then they called me names and called me ugly. A girl name Autumn said she couldn't believe you both had me as a ugly daughter and she went on to say that you both are embarrassed having me as a child. She said you guys were gonna leave me.*crying hard* and then she threw a bucket of paint on me and all the kids laughed at me. The teacher couldn't get it out and she was trying to get the bucket of paint off my head and when she got it off my head it tossed me to the ground and I looked like a clown and everyone laughed. She made everyone apologize and they still whispered bad things about me. Mommy daddy I hate school!
Bey's POV
I was crying with Blue. How could anyone do this to my baby? Kids are so mean now these days. Imma call the school and yell at them. I think it's safer to homeschool Blue. No one hurts my baby! No one!
Jay's POV
I'm in disbelief! What's wrong with these kids? No one hurts my daughter. I think it's safer to homeschool her. I want to protect my daughter as mush as I can. Bey finished washing her up and the paint is hard to rub off so there's some spots that are visible, mostly in her hair. We get her dried and changed into new clothes. We sit with her on the couch in the living room and watch tv to lighten the mood.
Blue: mommy, daddy, can I ask you something?
Bey&Jay: anything baby.
Blue: is it true? You guys don't love me and that I'm ugly? And you don't want to keep me anymore? I'm sorry if I did something wrong*tearing up*
Bey: Blue Ivy Carter*tearing up* don't you dare listen to those kids! They're bad kids and you're beautful baby girl. Daddy and I love you soo much and we would never leave you. We're gonna be here all the time and you're the best thing to happen to us. You did nothing wrong. Right Jay?
Jay: of course! I'm sorry we even let you go to this school. Don't ever listen to the mean kids. Mommy and I love you to death and you are beautiful baby. You make this family complete. We can't even describe how much we love you.
Blue: thanks mommy daddy❤️😘*kisses both of them* I love you both
Jay&Bey: we love you more❤️

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