"The Talk"(ft. Chris Brown)

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Jay's POV
My bro Chris Brown is at the house rn while Bey is getting ready to leave for her little girls day out with Kelly, Michelle, and Solange. So it'll be me, Chris, and Sir. Chris and I are watching tv in the living room having a drink when we hear Bey yelp and Sir yell. Bey comes rushing down stairs.
Jay: Bey what's wrong?
Bey: *whispers* I'm heading out but I think since both you guys are here, it's time for "the talk" with Sir. I just walked in on him doing so manly things so, I would check on him and tell him. And don't give him advice on getting random hoes every night cause I'm, I mean we're too young to be grandparents. ok?
Jay: got it. Have fun baby*kisses her*
She leaves.
Chris: um, how should we have "the talk" with Sir.
Jay: well, I guess just tell him everything we know. He's in his mid-teens now. I lost my virginity at 14.
Chris: haha, I lost mine at 8. So for a 15 yr old, he's a lil later than us ahaha
We both laugh. Chris and I walk upstairs and knock on his door.
Jay: aye my boy, mom left, can Chris and I come in for a sec?
Sir: just give me ugh two ugh more mins!
Chris and I look at eachother and silently giggle. We wait on the stairs and the door opens five minutes later. His room is a bit messy and at least he washed his hands.
Sir: come in
We go and sit on the furniture bench infront of his bed. He stands infront of us. I put my arm on his shoulder.
Jay: well um son, I think it's time we had "the talk". Chris is gonna help me explain it. And what we say, we can ya know keep it on the DL. Ok?
Sir: what's "the talk"?
Jay: well, um so, let's start off with what you know. Sir, I can kinda assume what you were doing in here before we walked in.
He blushed and turned red.
Chris: Ayo, it's all cool man. All us guys do it.
Sir: can I confess? It's just weird.
Jay: you can tell us anything and we can keep it between us.
Sir: Well, I was ugh. Watching porn and I heard my friends talk about how they jerk their meat with lotion. And I tried it and watched porn. I'm so sorry dad. But it felt oddly good. And this white stuff came out? Do I need to go to the hospital?
Chris and I giggle.
Jay: Sir, we do it too. It's called mastrubation.
Man this conversation is weird but at some point, the talk happens.
Sir: Chris, you do it too?
Chris: oh my guy, I do it ALOT!
Jay: same here. Well, I also got your mother but that's besides the point. Do you know how a baby is made?
Sir: I think.
Jay: ok, so, when a male and a female have sex, which I'm pretty sure that's what you were watching, the male eventually ejaculates into the female. That "white stuff" is called cum. And it's sperm. Without protection, it goes into the woman's eggs and fertilize and 9 months later, ya hit wit a baby.
Sir: I thought it was that. So how do you not get her pregnant?
Chris: well you wear what is called a condom. It's like a lubricated rubber glove for your *coughs* penis. You can cum in the condom but sometimes they rip so try pulling out before you ejaculate. My recommendation, ask who you're about to have sex with if she has taken "the pill" which is if you cum inside her, she can't get pregnant from her taking the pill.
Sir: oh ok.
Jay: well that was pretty much it. Any other questions?
Sir: ya but it's kinda embarrassing.
Chris: what is it?
Sir: I'm starting to get hair around my area.
Jay: that's called pubes. That's perfectly normal for your age. I already showed you how to shave your face and all.
Sir: so, do I just let it grow there or trim it?
Chris: I would say trim it cause most girls, well at least that I've been with, prefer a nice trim.
Sir: ok, and one last question.
C&J: ofc!
Sir: so I was in school the other day, and I saw these hot girls with some really nice tits and ass. And I saw them talking and my penis started growing. It was growing so big, I was scared people were gonna notice. It hurt so badly throughout class. It was time to change classes and I stood up and everyone started laughing at me. The girls seemed impressed tho. But the guys were making jokes. It took a long ass time for it to go down by itself. But those girls man. Mmmm
I notice his boner in his pants grow as he closes his eyes thinking about the girls. He's huge.
Jay: aye whow, son, on your own time buddy.
Sir: my question is what do I do when I get it in public?
Chris: I would ask for the girls numbers first. Do ya lil charm.
Jay: yea. Haha, um, well you have to try and distract yourself and think of something that's a complete turn off. Any more questions?
Sir: nope but thank you both.
Jay: ofc son. I know it was a little weird hearing it from your dad and Chris. But it was a talk I was givin to.
Chris: same here. But we gotchu buddy. Um, Jay we betta leave his room cause it look like them girls on his mind still*points to his bulge*
Sir: sorry ya had to see that. *puts hands over it*
Jay: hey, that's what I get when I see your fine ass momma.
Sir: ok, tmi. Well thank you for telling me even though it was kinda weird. And I'm more releved now that I know y'all have had a boner before at my age.
Chris: oh yea my boi. We get it all the time. It's manly things happening
Jay: yup. Alright, we'll leave ya too it son.
Sir: thank you. wait! I'm so scared to ask this last question.
Chris: what is i-
Sir: can I show y'all my penis? I'm just idk
Jay: um yea sure I guess. Chris is that ok with you?
Chris: if it's ok with you.
He pulls down his shorts and wow he's huge! Just like his daddy.
Chris: damnnn my boi. Bitches gon go crazy for ya big peen.
Sir: can I see what y'all look like? I'm just curious.
We both nodded our heads and pulled our pants all the way down. He gasped.
Sir: so that's what it'll look like when I'm older? How do you sit with those?
We both laugh.
Chris: somehow, we manage it to work.
Jay: haha yea.
We all pull our pants back up.
Sir: I can't believe I just saw my dad and uncles huge dick. Cool!
Jay: haha idk what's cool abt it but ok.
Sir: can we just keep that between us?
Sir: and so it looks perfectly normal? Nothing bad?
Jay: no my boi. If you have any other questions abt it, let me and uncle Chris no but uh, I would handle the situation ya got there*winks*
He blushes. We leave and close the door. Chris and I go back to the living room and here Sir upstairs moaning and I think he's humping his bed.
Jay: thanks for helping me explain to him "the talk"
Chris: np Jay. We fam. I gotchu back. You hear him tho
Jay: yea and you see the size of that thing? All them hoes definitely comin for him.
Chris: oh yeah. He's blessed. Just like his daddy and uncle Chris.
Jay: haha yup!
Chris and I just chilled with Sir after he got done with his "session". It felt really weird giving him "the talk" but a lot of us had had it at some point ya know.

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