"The Talk"(ft. Chris Brown) [Part 2]

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Jay's POV
Beyoncé is gone for 3 weeks cause she's working on a video project in Africa. Imma be blue ballin, damn. I invite my homie Chris Brown and Sir is in his room. It's morning and I think he got morning wood. Been a month since "The Talk". A few minutes later, Chris gets here and we dap eachother up. It's so hot and sunny outside but we stay inside to keep cool. We sit on the couch and talk. As we are talking, Sir comes downstairs with his huge boner in his shorts shirtless. He has something behind his back.
Chris: aye my man wassup*daps him*
Jay: son, you've got a boner.
Sir: you said I can ask you guys anything right.
C&J: yes
Sir: I need ugh advice on techniques I should use to jerk off. Even though I have this.
He shows us a big bottle of lube. Chris and I stand up and walk him to upstairs in bey's and I bedroom. I show him techniques with clothes on and Chris too.
Jay: ok so one way is this. Stand, spread your legs out a little bit
I fake jerk off showing him. Chris shows him another way by laying flat on the bed and fake jerk off. After showing him a few ways, he bursts out this huge question.
Sir: can you guys jerk off with me? I'm just so curious
Chris and I both laugh. We nod and take our shirts off. We look at him as we pull our shorts off but keep our boxers on.
Jay: lets go down stairs and show ya some porn.
We run downstairs. We stand and spread our legs apart. Sir gets naked. As we're watching, Sir moans and starts mastrubating
Sir: I can't wait to see you both cum.
We finally take our boxers off. We all jerk off. We all talk dirty watching porn on the tv.


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Sir POVI know it may sound weird

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I know it may sound weird. But watching them is so cool to me. They grunt and I'm getting close.
Jay: Sir pass over the lube. Daddy's getting close. Mmmm fuk
I pass it over and the both of them use it. Dad puts a little too much on. He was jerking off soo fast. So was Chris. I feel myself about to cum.
Sir: MEE TOO!!
We all watch eachother and cum all over the carpet. Dad is shooting the biggest load.
We all cheer for eachother. We finish and I collapse and fall back o to the couch.
Sir: fuck. I'm still hard.
They turn around with their hard cock in there hand. Chris: so are we
Sir: is it possible to cum more than 1 time in a day?
They both shout yes. We all put more lube on. This time, they sit next to me. Dad is in the middle. I look at his long penis and jerk him off.
Jay: aye, wyd?
Chris does the same. Dad puts his head back. He jerks us off as well
Sir: look dad and uncle Chris. That guy is going to cum inside her!
Dad dick stiffens. He's getting close. I look over to Chris and he's about to cum as well. We all shout "FUCKKK!!!" We all cum together. And put our heads back. We finish and take a deep breath.
Sir: thank you both for showing me the ropes
C&J: no problem!
Sir: was this a normal thing to do?
Jay: as long as you're comfortable with it. Growing up, my homies and I all jerked off together. It's a normal thing to me.
Chris: same here.
Sir: cool.
We all talk a little more.
Jay: imma hop in the shower, y'all come with.
Chris and I follow dad upstairs. He turns the hot water on. We get in and sit on the shower bench. Our showers are fairly big

We sit on the shower bench and talk

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We sit on the shower bench and talk.
Sir: Don't you guys find it like so odd how babies are made?
Jay: haha, nah, it feels good to make one. Your mom and I made one fine looking baby.
Chris: agreed
Sir: do you guys normally feel tired after jerking off?
Jay: oh yes. Sometimes we do it if we are having trouble falling asleep.
Chris: yup
Sir: I gotta take a leak.
J&C: us too.
I get up and before I open the door, I hear them peeing.
Jay: ahhh. Sir just pee here.
I sit down and pee.
Chris: it's a shower. Everyone does it.
We finish up and wash ourselves. We get out.
Sir: um, I know we just showered. But can I go into the bath tub. And watch tv.
Jay: sure idc. Want us to join?
Sir: please.
Chris: I'll grab us some liquor.
Chris went and grabbed liquor as dad and I get in.
Jay:so, what do you think of Chris dick?
Sir: it's big, but yours is way bigger.
Jay: thank you and you're a close second.
Sir: so it's ok if we do this every now and then without mom?
Jay: ofc. Only if you're comfortable.
Sir: ofc I am.
Chris is walking back with drinks. He gets in and we all just sit back and watch the nba game.

The bath is set up like a pool

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The bath is set up like a pool. I can't help but glance at dads big balls and dick. Ik it's weird cause he's my dad, but it's just so big. He catches me looking. I look up and he smirks.
Sir: sorry.
Jay: it's ok son. Ik it's big.
We laugh and so does Chris.
*Should there be a part 3 to this story?*

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