Birthday Bey![Explicit]

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Bey's POV
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO YOU!!!!!!"sang backstage.
After just finishing tonight's show, I get backstage with Jay and our whole family are here and momma T was holding the cake.
"Make a wish!" Everyone yelled.
"Why? My dreams have already come true"*blows out candles*
Everyone: aww!
Jay: Love you baby!*kisses her on lips*
Blue and Sir and Rumi all jumped on me and Jay and gave us kisses.
Blue: happy birthday mommy!❤️
Bey: Thank you Blue!
After we changed, we are now heading to a restaurant with our family rn to celebrate. Jay and I are in the shofere right now. The kids were way passed their bedtime so we left them with the babysitter.
Jay: *starts giving Bey hickeys* Baby, mm, yo ass look so sexy right now.
*The driver rolled up the partition*
Bey:*giggles*Babe, Julius and John just heard you
Jay: let them hear.*starts making out with Bey and he lifts her dress off of her* Mmm, let's fuck
Bey: *gets down on her knees and unbuckles the belt on his pants* way ahead of you daddy*unzips his zipper and unbuttons the button and slowly pulls down his pants* looks like both of us ain't wearin underwear tonight*smirks*
Jay: Bey lemme fuck you-
Bey: it's my bday. I'm gonna do what I want.*start putting his dick in her mouth*
I deepthroated him for 5 minutes until I felt him tense up.
Jay: Bey! I'm gonna-
Bey: Do it!
He grunted and came in my mouth. I show him it and swallow. The driver knocked on the partition glass and shouted "We're here!"
We cleaned our selves up before getting out of the car. Jay whispered in my ear as we're walking
Jay: My surprise party for you awaits in our bedroom
Bey: I'll blow out your candles🤪
We both giggled and I had a glorious bday.

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