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Bey's POV
I've been keeping something from Jay for the past two weeks and I think it's time to tell him. This is gonna be as messy as Wendy Williams show. Gosh I hate the damn p shaped hoe. Statue liverty fallen ass. Anyways, i just finished dinner with he kids and they went into the living room to watch tv and Jay should be coming home from work in about 2 minutes. This could completely destroy us but eventually, the truth is gonna show. While I'm cleaning up dishes right now, someone knocks on the door so hard it almost broke. I got scared
Bey: Blue! Take the kids upstairs in your room. Lock it!
They run upstairs and I peek through the door hole and I see Idris! I open the door and he rushes right in putting his hands on his head and panting and I immediately close the door.
Bey: Idris, WTF?!? What is going on? Why-
Bey: *tearing up* No
Jay's POV
I get home and I get this funny feeling something bad is about to happen. I unlock the door and I see Idris slap Beyonce across her face. I drop everything I have and tackle that mofo. We first fight all over
Jay: Imma kill you you bitch ass!!! Nobody touch my wife!!!
Bey's POV
I was trying to break them up fist fighting till Idris exposed the truth. I broke in tears and Jay froze and got off of Idris. He stared at me dead center in the eye. Both of them had blood all over them from punching eachother. It got real quiet
Jay: Beyoncé, what he talkin about?
Idris: tell him Bey!
Bey:*scared and crying with guilt* Well, it was two months ago and when you had cheated on me, I felt rebellious. I felt like you didn't give a shit about me. So Idris and I met at a club and we started going there a lot and well, we had pulled a one mighter in the bathroom and now I'm a month pregnant. This was all before we made up baby.
*Long quiet pause and Jay looking off into space*
Bey: Jay, Shawn, baby please say something. I'm really sorry and I don't know what to do. I promise you my intentions were never meant to hur-
Jay: *tears slowly drip down his face* How.  Fucking.  Could.  You.*angry*
Idris: *walks to Bey and puts his arm around her* Bye Jay, she my wifey now. Even got her preg-
Bey: get off me!*trys to push him off her bit instead he lifts her and throws her over his shoulder and try's to run away*
Jay's POV
I can't breath. I feel dizzy and lightheaded till I noticed Idris taking off with my soon to be ex wife. Though I'm beyond pissed at her right now, I still have to save her cause I have little love for her now and my kids who are upstairs watching tv. I ran out the door and tackled her and Idris. I started fighting Idris again and Bey tried to break up our fighting but instead I picked her up by her neck, squeeze it and threw her against the car window in the drive way and the glass broke.
Idris: *still fist fighting with Idris* MAN STOP! WHAT YOU DO TO BEY?!!?
I stop and look. She is on the floor covered in blood and red rings around her neck. Oh shit. I run to her side with Idris and I check her pulse and it was gone. Fuck! Nonono! Idris and I both start breaking down.
Jay: what did I do?!??
Idris: you happy now???! Now you won't have to worry about her anymore! YOU KILLED HER!!!!
Blue's POV
I heard a lot of fighting before and then it got quiet. I don't hear anything. Maybe I should go down stairs and see if they're ok.
Blue: Sir and Rumi imma be downstairs to go check on mommy and daddy. Stay here ok?
Rumi&Sir: ok
I walk downstairs and I see broken furniture, glass, and blood. I instantly get worried. I see Idris and Daddy outside. I walk up to them and OMG!!!
Blue: MOMMY?!!?

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