Jay's Heart Attack part 2...

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Bey's POV
We were all watching tv in the living room. I know something is up with him. He seems really nervous about something. Is he cheating on me with another side chick? No. Trust me y'all, I would know.  We were all watching "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" and then all of a sudden we here someone gasp for air and a thump on the ground. We all looked at each other shocked...
Bey: What was that?
Solange: I'm not sure
I looked behind the couch I was sitting on and l screamed at the top of my lungs. I saw Jay on the floor shaking wheezing and he was knocked out cold. I knew something was wrong!
Everyone started tearing up and completely shocked when they saw Jay. Mama G had dialed 911. Jay was getting worse by the minute. He was spazzing out. He wasn't breathing right. I was crying by his side. We all were. I was crying louder than everybody. What would I do without the Love of my life next to Blue. I can't lose him!  The paramedics came 15 minutes later and by the time they got there, Jay stopped breathing. Me and Mama Gloria were in the truck with him. Everyone else were on their way to the hospital as well.We arrived at the hospital 13 mins later....
Nurse: Beyonce, I do understand, but if you want him to get better, than you have to stay here and let the doctors do their thing
I was mad, sad, crying my eyes out hey I couldn't even see clearly. Everyone was in the waiting room crying and I was walking towards them and I fell to the ground. I felt so weak. 
Mama T
Me and Gloria were crying together hugging. We all prayed.
2 hours later
Bey's POV
I feel like I'm having a heart attack myself.
Doctor: Shawn Corey Carter?
We all stood up.
Doc: Mrs. Carter may I please have a word with you.
I nodded my head and walked towards him. Oh god, please I need Jay to survive. He means everything to me! He gave me my first child...
Doc: Well Mrs.Carter we would like to inform you that Jay is doing much better. We need to have him here for a week, but we think it's a one time thing
I hugged the doctor so tight I'm sure I was gonna kill him lol. I cried and said thank you and he replies you're welcome. I told the family and I was first to enter his room. He looked so weak and he was asleep. I laid by his side and cried in his chest. Blue joined us. 5 minutes later Jay woke up...
Jay's POV
I woke up with a huge headache and last thing I remember was when I was walking to the living room...
Jay: *groggy* what happened? Where am I?
I woke up to see Blue and Bey wiping tears off there face and laying in my chest. Bey immediately kissed me on the lips passionately with tongue. I was confused and a little turned on lol.
Bey: you had a heart attack...
She explained to me what happened and everyone gave me a hug. I was shocked and I couldn't imagine my life without the most two important people of my life! Thank you God for letting me live.
2 weeks later...
Everything is now back to normal. They say I only had a one time heart attack and most likely won't happen again. Me and Bey are eating dinner in home while Blue was with the family at Mama Tina's house. We finished dinner and that night, let's just say she got her punishment.😏 I'm so glad to be here living with my wife and daughter all safe and sound.
The end.

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