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Bey's POV
Damn it's poring rain out. Thunder is so damn loud. Jay and I have not been getting along this week at all. He just gets on my nerves some times and he just is so lazy about a lot of shit and it dosent even seem like he cares abt me anymore.
Jay's POV
Bey and I have not been getting along this week at all. She is soo unreasonable and I'm not lazy. I work my ass off just as much as she does and I'm not an over achiever. Or a one up er. One fight starts many others. We're sitting home in living room while kids are in play room. We sit on the far ends of the couch, watching tv.
Jay: Aye Bey, can you pass the remote?
Bey:*smirks* Here, Catch!*throws remote at his forehead hard* asshole!
Jay: owww, no you're an asshole!
Bey: Fuck you, you know you're a true asshole sometimes.
Jay: and you know you can act like a huge bitch left and right.
Bey: Excuse me, did you just call me a bitch?
Jay: yes biiittttccchhh!
Bey's POV
Oh hell naw! We both stand up and I charge at him beating him up.
Bey: you lil bitch don't you ever call me that again you sorry excuse fora billionare.
Jay:*pushes her to the ground* no you're a sorry excuse for a wife *throws ring at her and heads to their bedroom*
Bey: *on ground* oh so I get it, a grown ass adult can't take some hate huh. You're soo fucking careless and lazy! Hey, I'm talking to you!*runs up to him on stairs but he squeezes her wrists and pins her against wall*
Jay: Lemme give you this loud and clear. We are over. *lets go of her*
Bey: Oh so you make that fucking shot? So when I'm here one day crying *tearing up, voice shaky* alone by my fucking self, finding out from Ty that you cheated on me and fucking grabbed your dick out and put it in someone other than your wifes, it shows piece of shit husband you are. And not once do you ever brag about me or even ask how my day is. You're a very selfish man! I miss being in love with you! I FUCKING HATE YOU BECAUSE IM A LOYAL WIFE AND SITS HERE AND TAKES ALL YOUR CHEATING AND BULLSHIT FOR YEARS EVEN HAD YOUR KIDS AND YOUR CALLING ME A BITCH!?? FUCK YOU SHAWN COREY CARTER!! *crys And storms up to bedroom and slams door*
Jay's POV
So that's what all the negativity is all about this week. She dosent think I appreciate her. I feel like a dick now. Shit Shawn. She ain't deserve you. Damn. I sit down on the step and the kids come out of the playroom in the basement and come sit on the stair next to me.
Blue: Daddy, you ok?
Jay: Blue, do you think I show love to mommy?
Blue: mmm, this week y'all haven't been getting along. I've never seen you guys so angry. Does mommy want to break up with you? Are we going to lose you?
Jay: baby baby baby, no no no, no one is leaving anybody ok. Sometimes Mommy's and Daddy's fight. It's ok. As long as they understand eachother. I love your mommy no matter what and I always will, even tho I don't show it much*beys listening through the bedroom door* I would do anything for mommy, it's just I'm stuck on what I should do for mommy to show that I love her-
Blue: A date!
Jay: lil girl, I don't think she wants to go on a date at the moment lol.
Blue: Daddy, she would appreciate anything from you at this point. It's not like it can get any worse from here.
Jay: How did I raise such a smart daughter? You've got the brain from your mother.
Blue: thank goodness
Jay: hey take that back!
Blue: Never!
Jay: *tickeling her to death* take it back take it back!!!
Blue: *laughing* hahahahahahaa ok daddy III take itit back!
Jay: *stops* good girl. Ight y'all get back to playin. Daddy's got something up his sleeve.
Bey's POV
I locked the door so I cant see Jay's ugly ass face. Good thing he got a big juicy dick. His best feature😋. I'm just really hurt by Jay. All of a sudden, the door handle started to move but it was locked so it couldn't open.
Jay: Giselle, please let me in. Let's talk.
Bey: Go the fuck away! I HATE YOU!!!
Jay: Baby please-
Jay: ok im backing away.
I don't plan on talking to him for a long while. Fucking bitch.
Jay's POV
Boy did I marry a crazy bitch lol. Good thing she's beautiful and very sexy😋. I have a plan. I called our mommas and see if they can watch the kids at one of their houses. They agreed like always lol. Next, I called and rented out our first date place. My plan is all set. I've just gotta set up the restaurant.

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