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Jay's POV
It's night time now and I gotta take a shower. It's in our bedroom where Bey's been hiding. When we ate dinner, we didn't speak. She was in our room and I walked in and saw her naked.
Bey: omg, Shawn, stop looking!
Jay: what? I've seen you naked before. And tbh, you're getting me hot. Wanna shower with me? Get you nice and we-
Bey: I just took one and I don't want anything to do with you rn. If you so much as touch me, I'll fucking call 911.
I sighed and went into the bathroom to shower. As I'm showering, I sit on the shower bench and just ponder how I can improve being a husband. I don't wanna lose Bey at all. She's my life. I ow her all and more. Tomorrow nights date better go great, other wise I may be looking at divorce papers, the last thing any of us wants. I get up and turn the shower off and get ready for bed. I get dressed and Bey and I put the kids to sleep. I slide into bed with Bey
Bey: wtf you think you doing??
Jay: what?
Bey: boy, after this week, you ain't sleeping wit me. You goin on the couch.
Jay: What?! But ba-
Bey: Goodbye
I rolled my eyes and get out of bed and take pillows and a blanket. I murmured bitch before I left the room. She must've heard me cause next thing I know, I'm tackled to the ground.
Jay: I'm sorry baby, owww stop!!! I'm just upset I can't sleep wit you
Bey: *stops* I'm no longer sleeping wit you anymore. You staying on the couch till you die bitch!
I get up as does she and we go our seperate ways. This is no going good so far and it's not even tomorrow. I sleep on the hard couch all night and wake up. I figured I'd make some breakfast for my fam since I'm always the first one up and to apologize to my hopefully not ex wife, Beyonce. I start cookin eggs, bacon, toast, and more. I went all out. Today, I'm not fighting with Bey today. I'm gonna be chill and act civil. Once I'm done, I hear loud footsteps coming downstairs.
Bey & Kids: FOOD!!!!
They all make their plates and we eat at the dining room table.
Kids: thank you Daddy for breakfast!
Jay: you're welcome my beautiful children.
There was a silence waiting for Bey to say something. Oh, she plays the game very well. I try to end it. We all stare at Bey.
Blue: Mommy! You didn't say thank you!
Bey: *sigh* I don't have to say it cause he knows I thank him. Or do I? I mean what do I know, he never really says thank you to me much. *eye rolls*
She was ruining the mood all morning and day. Bey is taking a nap and I secretly drop the kids off at our moms house. I come back and she's still sleeping on the couch. I shake her a little bit
Jay: Baby, wake up!*above a whisper*
Bey: *waking up* What?!
Jay: go get ready!
Bey: wha?
Jay: I'm taking you somewhere tonight.
Bey: why should I you asshole!
Jay: cause I have something to tell you that can hopefully make things better.
Bey: Fine, but I'm only doing this to watch you make a fool out of yourself.
Jay: k cool.
She got ready an hour later and we meet Julius outside so he can drive us to the restaurant. We arrive and Bey gets out.
Bey: where is everybody? Is this where our first date was?
Jay: yep, and it's just for us.
Bey'sp POV
I started tearing up thinking about the good times we had at this restaurant, Friendly's. It was our #1 place to go on dates. Well that and rollar skating. We walk inside and it looks just how I remember it. We get sat down and I look at the menu.
Jay: You look beautiful tonight.
I didn't respond. I'm mad that it took me to say something in order to realize his wrong doing. But to be fair, it's better he knows now and will hopefully not repeat it. I didn't even look up at him. The silent treatment is game.
Jay: You remember how we shared our brownie split every time we were here. And make out on the outside patio, watching the sunset.
Bey: *still looking at menu and says dryly* yep
Jay: where did it all go wrong Bey?
Bey: tuh, Shawn*puts menu down and leans closer and looks at him* listen, I love you more than you know. I'm just hurt Shawn. I really thought as a husband you would yell that you love me. Instead, you're acting like any other man not getting in they feelins. If you don't show emotions, it dosent make you a man. I hate the fact men think that's the only way to be a man. And I demand more respect. I carried your children for 9 months. I can't move on with this relationship if you can't show emotion.
Jay: you're right. It's just the way I was raised. My dad for the short time that he was around, taught me to never cry and that woman don't always need respect. He was deadass wrong for teaching me so. Instead, I have a wife to teach me the good and bad. I'm sorry if I don't show my appreciation for you. I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. I'm sorry for not acting like a good husband. I promise to prove my love for you in the public eye. Please give Hova another chance
Bey: *tearing up* Of course I forgive you! Gimme kiss*kisses him all over his face* i love you so fucking much*winks and bites lip*
Jay: *she gets up and sits on his lap and he slides his hand up her dress* I fucking love you too. I'd actually like to make love and fuck you tonight.
Bey: of course, why don't we shower together first?😉.
Jay: let's go
I'm so happy she forgave me and I did everything she was expecting from me and I'm learning to be a better husband. She said tonight that my bedroom skills are completely improved too😁

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