Midnight scare

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Bey's POV
Me and Jay are sleeping bed peacefully while Blue is at her friends house. I was sleeping soundly with Jay when I heard glass break. I shot up and tried to wake Jay up quietly.
Bey: *whispers and shakes Jay*Jay Jay Hov!
Jay:mmmm whhaaat?!*said sleepily*
Bey: did you hear glass break
Jay: no, goodnight.
Bey:Jay get yo lazy ass out of this bed and come with me down stairs to see what it was
Jay: you're lucky I love you😒
Bey: I know🙊
We walk down stairs quietly and look in all the rooms of the house and nothing.
Jay:Bey seriously!
Bey: But we didn't check the kitchen...
We walk into the kitchen and see glass plates shattered on the floor. Did they fall out of the cabinet.
Jay: well not only is Beyonce Giselle Knowles Carter not a great cook, she also sucks at putting plates away!
Bey:Excuse me but did you see me put these plates away. I don't think so, so watch your tongue.
He tongue kissed me down and I broke away.
Jay: Bey go get yo ass in bed.
Bey: no it's fine I'll clean this up
Jay walked upstairs. I got the broom and pan. As I was sweeping, I felt arms around my waist. Man this boy won't leave me alone will he? But his arms don't feel like this.
I looked back and it wasn't Jay. It was a stranger. He covered my mouth and he pushed me into the bathroom but was stupid and didn't lock the door. He had a strong grip on my arms. He then started touching me and trying to kiss me. He was trying to take off my pj's and he only got my shirt off. I felt so violated. When he moves his hands off of me. I screamed...
Before I knew it, the guy punched me in the face. I was on the ground and he was about to pull my pants off when I heard gun shots. The guy had fallen on top of me and I threw him off me. I looked up to see Jay with a gun in his hands.
Jay: Baby what's hurting?! Do we need to go to the hospital?!
Bey: I have a head ache and that's it...
I cried in his arms in the floor until I realized my breast was out there. Jay licked his lips when I stopped crying. His pants went up.
Bey: Jay go call the cops.
Jay: oh someone is getting cuffed tonight...
(This is somewhat of a similar story out there)

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