The threesome(2) [EXTREMELY EXPLICIT‼️🔞]

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*didnt know how this chapter would turn out. Lemme know if I can improve it or even add another chapter of this. Might include similar scene in "Jayonce Divorce: reality"
Jay's POV
As we get in the shower, I go down and kiss Bey's pussy. Chris groops her boobs. As I make out with Bey's pussy, Chris dick slaps me in the face.
Jay: aye!
Chris: sorry bro. Can't control where it goes.
I stick my tougue far up her pussy. So fuckin tasty. Taste like fuckin strawberry's.
Jay: yo Chris, come taste this pussy with me.
He gets on his knees with me and we eat her out. She's in complete euphoria.
Bey: ugh you boys. Fuck this is my fuckin dream come true. Imma squirt!!
Chris: squirt baby! Squirt all over our faces!
She let's go and she cums at the same time. Chris and I pull out our toungues and wipe our faces from the warm shower water and her juices. I lay down on the shower bench.
Jay: ride my dick! Hop on it. Chris put your dick inside her pussy too!
She slams on my dick facing me. Chris jerks his dick a few times and slips right in, hovering over her. We both thrust into her pussy. She squirts and cums left and right.
Jay: yeah hop on my dick Bey. Chris are you nutting?
Chris: I'm cumming!
He shoots his load right in her.
Bey: ah fuck that cum in me Chris. How you cum so early?
Jay: yea. How you cum this early?
Chris: *finishes* idk. But *grips his balls* I got a lot more where that came from.
Bey: pull out Chris.
Chris: why?
Bey: I wanna try somethin.
As bey slides out it causes Chris to fall backwards and be sat on my FUCK dick!
My penis is in his ass. This is odd.
Bey: oh my. Fuck. This hot.
Chris: OWW!! This shit hur- actually*grinds hips* feels good. Wait. Bey. What am I doing?
Jay: mm so tight
Bey: it's ok Chris. Let it happen.
She gets on her knees and sucks his dick as his ass was facing me.
Chris POV
I ain't ever had sex with a guy in me. But jay feels soo good inside me. It hurt at first but I kinda like it. He thrust in me hard.
Jay: oh my man imma nut!
I lift up as bey comes over and sucks it all up. I sit against the shower wall on the floor. Pondering. Beyoncé and Jay look at me after she swallows his nut. They come over and sit next to me.
Jay: hey, I feel just as werid abt it.
Chris: Bey wha you think?
Bey: well, I didn't expect that to happen lmao. Hey, if it felt good. I ain't mad. It's pleasure.
Chris: so can we keep this on the dl that your ex just put his penis in my ass?
B&J: yes
Bey: but I wanna see it again. I'll have my fingers but I wanna watch. This happens in threesomes some times. Now do it.
I look at Jay and I get on all fours. I put my butt in the air. He comes from behind on his knees.
Jay: ready?
Chris: I guess. Just slow. Almost killed me before Haha
Jay: haha ok.
He slowly insterts his dick. It feels werid at first until he starts thrusting the shit outta me. I feel my dick bounce all around. Jay wraps his hand around onto my dick and jerks me off. I look at Bey in the corner who's mastrubating herself as I'm being pounded.
Jay: fuck this ass is tight. Imma bust soon.
Chris: Jay! I'm cumming in your hand!
I start cumming in his hand as he's jerking me off. I feel his dick pulsing inside me.
Bey: Chris, let Jay cum in you. See how it feels!
Chris: Ok, Jay cum in me!
He shoots his load and it feels soo good. He thrust it in me then pulls out. Jay and Bey sit on the bench in front of me. Jays penis and bey's pussy in my face. I look up.
Bey: so how was it?
Chris: felt...amazing.
Jay: I can say the same. Nice ass there man. *daps hands*
Chris: thanks. You still hard huh? Bey you still wet?
Bey: wetter than the ocean
Jay: harder than a rock
I giggle.
I lean forward on my knees and start eating Bey's pussy. It taste so sweet. I glance at Jay and see him with his hands leaning back as his boner sticks up. I make jay and bey face each other. I sit in between them. Jay puts his dick back in my ass and I bring bey so she's facing me and I put my dick in her pussy. We all fuck each other at the same time. Jay pounds into me as I pound into Bey. The water on ya feels soo good. We fuck like this for minutes until...
Bey: ugh I'm gonna cum Chris. Yes daddy!! I'm cumming!!*cums on his dick*
Chris: oh yea imma nut in yo pussy too!! Fuk!! I'm nutting!*shoots load in her*
Jay: I'm cumming too oh Chris!!! *cums huge load in him*
Chris: fuckkk let it all out bey and jay! Fuck!
We all cum and pull out. This shower is huge and I gotta piss. After sex, I sometimes have to piss right after. I go to the corner of the shower getting ready to pee. Jay comes behind me and slaps me on my ass as he pisses with me.
Jay: fuck. I don't think I have anymore energy. I can't believe I put my dick inside you.
Chris: ik. I still can't believe I did it. And you've got a huge one.
Jay: damn we had to piss huh
Chris: yea won't stop.
We finish up pissing then head back to the shower bench to see Bey sleeping. I carry her bridal style to the bedroom as Jay turns the shower off. As she sleeps, I turn around admiring Jay naked body. I get on my knees. Jay laughs
Jay: what ya doin? Ain't ya tired.
Chris: idk what's gotten into me but I wanna taste you.
I put his penis in my mouth and was always curious as to what cum taste like. I bob my head up and down as he's barely holding it together standing. I get it in my throat and he cums all in my mouth. He never shoots out little loads. It was a lot. He finished and I try swallowing but spit it out instead. Yea I can't do that.
Jay: shit! Um. How'd it taste?
Chris: it's ok. Now I'm tired.
He slaps his wet arm on my shoulder as we get into bed.
Chris: jay we never dried off after the shower.
Jay: it's ight. It's 1,000 degrees outside anyways.
Chris: yea you right. Night
Jay: goodnight Christopher
*have never written a story this dirty before. Was a request. If there are some parts I should leave out, comment below or anything I can add. I was thinking abt making one last chapter of this. Should I or no?*

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