Party (final)

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Blue's POV
I wake up and I feel horrible. I don't even know what happened last night. All I remember is partying with my boo and then getting wasted. I shot up out of my bed and throw up in my bedroom bathroom. Worse hangover ever. I wonder if dad and mom know about last night. I puke a few more times and then walk back to bed. I feel a breeze and see that my window is broken. WTF? I texted Isaiah over and over again and he isn't responding. It's only 9 am. To be fair, he sleeps till 1. I open my closet door and see the stairway trashed. Omg! The twins! I look in their room and see them fast asleep. How could I be so irresponsible. Atleast they're ok. If mom and dad were here, I would not be standing with my weave on right now. I go downstairs and see the house completely trashed. I guess I gotta clean it all up. Mom and dad will be here next week and I'll still be cleaning lol. I run back upstairs to put sweats and a tank top on. I was still in the clothes from last night. I get downstairs and start cleaning. This is gonna take days.
Jay's POV
I wake up with my arm around Bey and it's so sunny in the room. She wakes up at the same time and we are both mentally exhausted. We stare into each others eyes. I kissed her on the lips
Jay: Goodmorning wifey
Bey: good morning sexy*smirks*
Jay: does somebody need a little stress relieving?*smriks*
Bey:*kissing him on the neck* ugh yes daddy
I kiss her neck at the same time. I get ontop of her and unbutton her pj shirt.
Blue's POV
I'm just about done cleaning the kitchen. Now for the rest of the house. As I'm starting to clean the living room, I hear bed squeaking, bed headboard banging the wall, and moaning. Wait a second... Mom and Dad are here?? Shit! I guess they know by now. Eww, can they not have sex for one night. Ugh they're such freaks. I clean the house as fast as I can before they come downstairs. Oh wait, what am I taking about? They won't be down here for 2 hours.
*2 hours later*
I finally cleaned the house and I feel disgusting. As I'm heading upstairs, the two freaks get out of their bedroom. Fuck I'm nervous. They fold there arms together. They both mad as hell
Bey: how was the party last night?
Blue: it's hard to tell. I don't remember any of it. Can we sit down in the living room and talk?
Bey: yea if you want to act like an adult, let's do so.
Bey's POV
Damn Jay put it down hard. I can not describe the disappointment I have in this girl right now. We're walking downstairs and I see the house spotless.
Bey: wow, I must've had a bad dream last night. And is that food I smell?
Jay: *whispers* fatass
Jay and I are just wearing robes and man does he look sexy. I heard call me fatass so I flashed him my bare ass. He grabbed it real quick and gave it a good squeeze. He finna make baby #4. We get a plate of breaskfast and the twins fly down here for food too. We are all eating at the dining room table and the silence is loud. Someone had to break it.
Jay's POV
Sitting next to Bey, I can see her boobs at an angle. They turning me on. I feel my boner pop up real quick. Shit, I wanna fuck her again. Focus Jay focus. I break the silence.
Jay: Well Blue first off thank you for cleaning the house and making breakfast. *says in low tone* atleast someone knows how to cook food
Everyone laughs and Bey punches my arm.
Jay: well anyways, Blue Ivy Carter? Do you remember what happened last night?
Blue: the only thing I remember is my friend Isaiah come over and chill. The party is all a blur.
Jay&Bey: here's what happened...*explains to her what happened last night*
Blue: omg, some parts and bits I remember but whow. The Illuminati is crazy.
Bey: we don't fuck wit Illuminati no more. Twins, we are not going to punish you at all. You two did nothing wrong. As for you, No phone, no tech, no friends over and you may never leave this property unless we say so. You're grounded for 3 months. We're very disappointed in you
Blue: I know and I'm beyond sorry*crying* I promise you mom and dad that it was the alchol talking. I didn't mean for you guys to disown me. Just please don't leave me on the street!
Bey: everyone come here for group hug*tearing up*
We all group hug.
Bey: baby you may have screwed up big time, but we don't hate you at all. You're our first born and we love you no matter what. We're not going to leave you. ❤️
Blue's POV
I'm so relieved they don't resent me and still love me through all of this. I've just learned to learn from this mistake and move on.❤️

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