Scripts in love

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Shawn's POV
I can't believe I'm actually doing a movie with Solange. It feels so weird cause it's different than what I normally do and Bey is ok with it. Apparently we have a scene coming up where we have a scene where I'm trying to have our first kiss outside in this park called Ivy Park. The director is Spike Lee.
Spike: Ok, Shawn, I want you two to sit on this picnic blanket and face twoards the sunset and say your lines. Act like she was Beyonce lol
Jay: lol, ok
Spike Lee: Solange, sit next to Jay and act innocent and look at him straight in the eyes when he faces you and says your name. Ok and Action!
Solange: Isn't this sunset beautiful. This park looked just like it did when we were kids.
Jay: remember when we used to look at all the fish in the pond.
Solange: yea till ya pushed me lol
*Both laugh*
Jay: *turns his head to her and stares into her eyes* Solange
Solange: Yes?
Jay: I'm going to be honest with you.
*she nods confused*
Jay: I love you. I really love you since da-
Before I even finished my sentence, she gave me an immediate kiss. I was not expecting that lol. It was too early. As we kissed, I started having actual feelings for pondering about me and hers good times.
Spike: AND SCENE! Good job guys. It looked really natural.
We went back to our trailers. I got into my trailer and sat down on the sofa thinking about Solange. I can't have feelings for her, I love Beyoncé, she my wifey. But Solange is also wifey material. And her lips are soo good.
Solanges POV
I don't know why, but I had the urge to kiss him. I remininsed on all our good times and it seems like I feelings for him. I gotta go talk to him. I can't go behind bey's back. But something in me is telling me I belong wit him.
Jay's POV
As I sat there on my couch bout to take a nap, I hear a knock on the door. I open it and see Solange.
Solange: Can I come in?
Jay: Sure
We both sit on the sofa with somewhat awkward silence
Jay: so what's up?
Solange: Jay I don't know what's happening but I feel like I have feelings for you
Jay: tbh, I do too. When you kisses me it made me feel in love with you. But what about Bey?
Solange: maybe if we kiss again, we can think it thoroughly.
We kissed again passionately and we heard glass break on the floor. We break apart and see Bey standing with her mouth open and she brought flowers in a vase she just dropped.
[Authors Note: Thank you @jayonce4408 for this story idea. I have another one of yours in progress. Y'all I appreciate short story ideas, comment!]

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