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Bey's POV
Bey: where did we go wrong?
Jay: I don't know.
Jay and I have been divorced for a month and it feels like hell. It's bad timing too because we have our first on the way and we just got married earlier this year. We got a divorce because I couldn't take the lies and we've gotten into soo many fights about everything that we did and the love was lost. I love Jay but we just can't find the love that brought us together. Right now, we're sitting outside at midnight on the porch and just talking. We chat every now and then.
Jay's POV
Man, I lost everything. Divorcing Beyoncé was that last thing any of us wanted to do but some times things take a left turn and it dosent go the way you want it to. The constant fights and accussing was just too much. I was trying so hard not to follow my father footsteps. I wanted to be the first one in my family to stay married. This is bad timing to divorce cause of our child that is due in two months. Our families are crushed about the divorce. They knew we were meant for eachother. It's a nice clear night out here.
Bey: Jay, you think this divorce was a good idea?
Jay: I don't know. It's confusing because we question it now but then will probably go back to the old ways. I wanna-
Bey:*Water breaks and is bleeding down there* OWWW!!! JAY!!!!
Jay: OH MY GOD!!!
I call 911 and they are on their way. This is too early and why is she really bloody down here? I put her hand in mine and lay her down on the porch floor. With my jacket under her head
Jay: baby, the ambulance is coming in 5 minutes. Hold on baby. What hurts?
Bey: Shawn I love you baby*kisses him*
Jay: I love you too Beyonce. But you ain't leavin me.
Bey: Shawn, I don't feel well at all. I'm scared OWW what's gonna happen to our child???
Jay: I pray he/she is ok. You gotta take deep breaths Bey
After 5 mins, the ambulance shows up and they drive us to the hospital. I have 3 million things going through my head. Was this my fault? Did I leave her alone and afraid? Did I miss something bad happen? This is bad. This due date is not supposed to be now. We get in the hospital and they say she's in labor. They taken me and Bey into the hospital room and put the monitor on her stomach. The doc came in and introduced himself and got right to it. He looks at the ultrasound and his face drops. My heart stops as I look at him. He turns around and faces me and bey on a hospital bed.
Doc:*tears up* there's no easy way to see this, but your child is dead. I'm so sorry for this miscarriage
Bey's POV
I suddenly feel numb. I'm trembling. Water gushing out of my eyes. Miscarriage what?? Wha how whe was this my fault? Omg, what did I do wrong? I feel so alone. My baby is gone. The world is turning grey.
Jay's POV
What? Nonono please god no. Not my child please. I start bawling with Bey having her head on my chest below my chin on the hospital bed. I can't process this. I should've been there more often with Bey. This is all my fault.
Doc: there was nothing you guys did that were wrong. It may have been just bad timing for this baby. Don't blame yourselves. Beyoncé we have to get you into surgery ASAP to get your baby
I get off the bed and let go of her hands.
1 hour later...
Bey's just getting out of surgery and I told the whole fam to come by. I didn't tell them about the miscarriage just that she's here. I get on the bed and cry with her while cradling her. We heard knocks on the door and the our families are all here out of breath, nervous.
Bey: Our *sniff*child didn't make it*sniff*
Mama T's POV
We all auto magically cry. My poor babies. This is all such a mess for them. I know they both didn't want the divorce and now this miscarriage must be a lot for them. This was Bey's first child and he/she is now back in heaven waiting for them. I rush to my babies side and cry with her. We all do
Families: so sorry bey and Shawn
Mama G's POV
Omg, no! Beyoncé is the best thing that's happened to my son. I was hoping there marriage would last forever and we all know they didn't want this divorce and now this miscarriage brings a lot of weight upon them. My sons first child, this is all too much. I hope they make it through this tough time.
Bey's POV
Eveyone cried and gave their condolences. They left this night and I'm staying two more nights here so they can watch my body and see how it repairs. I'm so hurt and I don't know what to do at this point. Jay is laying next to me watching tv with me. We weren't paying attention at all. We turned our heads and look at eachother.
Bey: what do we do now?
Jay: undo this divorce and get back with eachother.
Bey: I want to so badly but there's something inside telling me it's not gonna workout. The pieces of my heart are shattered and I can't find them.
Jay: will you allow me to repair it? Can we start where we left off on a happy note of our marriage.
Bey: I-Iguess
Jay's POV
I have a way of making her sure. Starting off with this. I kiss her on the lips and she kisses back. It starts to get really passionate but then we pull away.
Bey: mm I missed your kisses. You have to swear on our lives that you will do whatever it takes to make this marriage work
Jay: baby ofcourse. Maybe this miscarriage was a sign that we should have a child in a happy state of mind
Bey: true.
From that day forward we worked on our relationship and communicated much better. No constant fighting. Just love. And a few months later we have a child named Blue who holds the light with Bey and I together.

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