Midnight text😳

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(This story will be shown through a text)
Bey's POV
It's 12 at midnight and Jay Should've been home 20 minutes ago. I'm really worried. I sure hope he ain't cheating. I decided to Text him:
Bey: Jay baby, where are you? I'm scared and lonely without you baby.

Jay: BEYONCE! Thank God you're alive!

Bey: 😳. Umm, Why would I not? You're scaring me what's going on?

Jay: I'm currently running down the street. You're in danger!

Bey: Shawn! Stop you're scaring me!😭 why u running?

Jay: I tell you later. Is there a man in the driveway?
I went to go check outside the window...
Bey: Aaah! Yes there is! He looks like he's holding a gun! Please help! What do I do?

Jay: I'll call you!
Jay and Bey's phone conversation...
Bey: *answers her cell right away* baby?!
Jay: Yes it's me! Listen carefully. I want you to go up in the attic.
Bey: *crying scared* ok *goes in attic* now what?
Jay: Lock the attic door and block it.
Bey: Ok done. *power goes out* *whispers* Jay I'm scared! The power went out.
Jay: *no answer, phone hangs up*
Bey: Jay?!
I'm so scared. Who is this guy in the driveway?! How many are there? Where's Jay? Maybe I'll call 911. I dialed 9 but then I got a text and it shut down my phone and it wouldn't turn back on. I grabbed a flashlight and started hiding in a corner behind a mirror. I cried thinking about Jay. All of a sudden an air vent cover came off right next to me and a man came crawling out. I grabbed a baseball bat and started hitting him

Jay: Wait! Damn Bey! It's your husband Jay!I immediately dropped the bat softly and gave him a dozen kisses

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Jay: Wait! Damn Bey! It's your husband Jay!
I immediately dropped the bat softly and gave him a dozen kisses.

Jay: Wait! Damn Bey! It's your husband Jay!I immediately dropped the bat softly and gave him a dozen kisses

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We both cried and hugged eachother. I cried into his chest...
Bey: Jay I'm scared please tell me what's going!😭
Jay: Ok, listen baby, *man slams on door trying to break through*
Bey: Jay?
Jay: Follow me back into these vents and we'll be safe. I'll explain when we have time.
Bey: Ok
Jay: You go first.
Bey: Mmhmm😑
I went in first and I'm sure he's loving his view of my ass. After crawling through places here and there, we eventually got to the basement. We decided to crawl through the window. He went first this time. Then he lifted me up. We ran down the street and the police station is down 4 blocks and we thought we lost the guy. Now me and Jay are walking towards the station.
Bey: Shawn Corey Carter, you have 5 seconds to explain what the hell is going on!
Jay: This week, this strange number kept on calling and no one would say anything, like just a heavy breath , like a mad man. I just hung upannd blocked his number. So I'm assuming this is that man.
I showed her the number and she said
Bey: It's Lyndell!
All of a sudden we heard gun shots down the street. We ran to the police station and told them what's going on. They caught him that night and me and Bey stayed at a hotel. Everything is now back to normal.

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