Valentines Day💞

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Jay's POV
I've got today all planned out. I always go out and beyond on Valentine's Day to show my girl some lovin. I have our kids spending the day with my mom while I set up the house and get ready for bey and I's date today. It's 1:00 pm and my girl still sleepin in bed. I can't be shocked or blame her because try having her schedule for a few months. We finished our tour a month ago and 3 kids will kill ya ontop of working on a new album. I go upstairs with a plate full of Pancakes(were vegan now so no meats).
Jay:*standing by her bedside and yells* baby! Happy Valentines Day!
Bey:*jumps out of bed and falls* Oww Shawn!😭
I was laughing hysterically!
Bey: *standing up* I'm gonna- OO FOOD!!! *snatches plate from him* you have redeemed yourself Mr. Carter.*kisses him* Happy Valentines Day baby. What time is it and where's our kids?
Jay: It's 1:00pm and our kids are at my moms house
Bey: omg, I'm so sorry baby. I slept in so far on our special day.
Jay: Babe, do you know how much hard work you do everyday of your life. I wanted my beautiful wife to get some sleep. But you won't be getting any tonight😏
Bey: aww thanks Jay!*smacks his butt*😉 Can't wait for tonight! I got something extra sexy for you tonight.
Jay: why don't we practice now?*trys to pull plate out of her hands but she refuses his grip*
Bey: Hell Nah. Saving it for later and I'm starving!
Jay: haha ok, I got plans for us today so hurry up and get ready*leaving bedroom and mummers*Fatass
Bey: *throws a shoe at him* YOURE A DICK
Jay: I was just kidding Bey damn! Plus you'll be getting my dick tonight!
Bey: omg 😂
1 hour later...
Where the hell is she. We gonna be late to our planned day today. I walk upstairs and I hear moaning. I here it in the shower. I walk in the bathroom and I hear her yelling
Bey: Fuck me Jay! Yea more! Ugh I'm cumming!
I ripped open the curtains
Bey: AHH Jay!
Jay: Beyoncé! Save it for later!
I turned her shower off and pulled her out of there.
Jay: go get ready!*walking into bedroom*
Bey:*following him* But Jay I'm wet
She's tempting me but not now.
Jay: Get ready!
Bey: fine
She got ready 30 mins later and now we're in the car
Bey: Baby, can you please tell me??
Jay: Nope
Bey: can't wait to have sex with you tonight.
Jay: Damn Bey, you gon end up pregnant tonight.
Bey: sorry bud, already took the pill lmao
We laughed. We are eating dinner rn at 4:00 cause I wanna dive inside her pussy tonight. I can tell she's already horny
Bey's POV
Jay said we have 5 more mins. I'm wetting the seat rn. He looks soo sexy and I don't have panties on. I reach over and rub his bulge through his pants.
Jay: Bae! Save it for later!
Bey: Comon Jay, just let this happen*unbuttoning his pants*dont fight it
Jay: baby, stop it now!
Bey: Let me taste you.
Bey: Damnt!
We get out of the car and he buttons his pants again. We are having dinner at my favorite restaurant. We are sitting down and eating. I'm getting his dick hard whether it's the last thing I do. Why is he resisting? I know he wants me bad.
Jay: Bey, can I tell you something?
Jay: I feel like Valentine's Day is everyday with you. Our love dosent last for one day. I couldn't imagine myself without you in my life. I would probably die from gambling n shit. You've changed me into a man and I thank you soo much for that. Thank you for loving me through all my flaws. I know our love is forever.
Oh boy, there goes my mascara. I cried soo much. See this is what a man is all about. Besides sex, I've always wanted a real man with real emotions. I'm so in love with Shawn. I can't explain the love I feel. We are sitting in a booth and I cry into his chest as he hugs me
Bey:*pulls away* Shawn, you're more than what I can ask for. You're my smile for the day. Thank you for always being there for me and sticking up for me. I appreciate the love you give me and I love you back. I hope you know how proud I am to be your wife and have your kids.*kiss him*
Jay's POV
Man, I love this woman. She's more than I could ask for. We made out for a few minutes. Now is the time I wanna get it on. We start getting horny while making out.

I slide my hands under her dress and realize she's not wearing panties

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I slide my hands under her dress and realize she's not wearing panties. Luckily the restaurant is dark and not many people here. I insert two of my fingers inside her pussy and she was soaking before we even sat down. There's a puddle of her juices on the booth. I finna give her child #4. Condoms are too small for me. I got to big of a big package. And with her pussy, it's hard to pull out so she takes the pill. We would've had 8 kids without one lol.
Bey:*moaning* oooh babe right there. Shit Jay. I'm gonna cum soon
I finger her harder and faster and she's starting to lose it. I continue it and she squirting all over the place. I'm beyond turned on. I wanna fuck her bad. Can't hold it in anymore. I got the house all romantic like for tonight but we have to start something early, I can't hold back.
Jay: I wanna pound you in the bathroom
She follows me to the men's bathroom and luckily no one is here and the restaurant is pretty much empty. I immediately take her dress off and she's booty ass naked. Her pussy all wet, mmm, she sexy.
Bey:*on bathroom couner with legs open* Jay fuck my pussy. I need your big dick daddy
My boner is bustin through my pants. I take off my shirt and pull down my pants and I was not wearing boxers for tonight. They are a pool at my ankles.
Jay: Want this??*holding his hard member shaking it*

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