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Jaylen POV
Jayl: DAD STOOOOP!!!!😭
My Dad has been abusing me for a whole year now. He hits and touches me while my mom just watches and smokes. Right now I locked my self in my room after my dad beat me with his belt. I need help! I can't take this anymore. I need to call my proud to be related to cousin...Aunt Beyonce and uncle Jay...
Bey's POV
Me and Jay are cuddling up in bed watching tv at night relaxing and we just finished our last tour day today. We're in the tour bus on our way home. We were relaxing in bed when all of a sudden, my phone rang and it was my good ol' cousin Jaylen. Man I haven't talked to her in months. Man, no wonder she's FaceTimeing me now and I picked up the call...
Bey: Hey Jay..., a Jaylen why are you painting. And why do you look like you've been abused?! *screaming in background Jaylens parents fight.*Jaylen explain!
Jayl: ok, I've been abused physically and sexually and haven't done a single thing bad. My parents, I I just can't live like this no more!😭( explains to Bey all the bad stuff that's happened to her and what just happened to her...)
Bey:Why didn't you call the police?! Anyone?!
Jayl: I was too scared too! My dad said he would kill me!😭
Bey: Me and Jay are on our way over there so I could beat your dads ass!
Jayl: Thanks but don't call the police yet.
Bey: ok, I should be there by tomorrow afternoon, like 5-ish! Don't tell anyone.
Jayl: ok thanks
Bey: You're welcome. I've been in a similar situation you have. I'll talk about it later gtg bye hang in there
Bey's POV
I saw her dad knock down the door in her bedroom and then she ended the FaceTime. This must be really serious. I'll have to have Jay help me kick his ass.
Bey: Baby?
Bey: can you help me kick Jaylens dads ass for me
Jay: anything for you two
We passionately kiss and started making out...
Next Day...
Bey's POV
We arrive at her house and her parents are at work now. Jaylen let's us in her house...
Bey: Wow, I haven't been here in so long.
Jayl: need you around more often lol. So what's the plan?
Bey: Well let's try to reason with him...
Jay: or I'll have to beat his ass.
We talk a little more and then the front door opened...

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