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Bey's POV
I'm on the plane with Jay to record our visuals for our tour in a few months. The studio we're going to is in Texas because the setting is perfect for the visuals we have in mind and get to see some home friends and family. I left our 16 year old, Blue with our 10 year old twins, Sir and Rumi. Blue thinks she is responsible enough to watch the kids by herself. Jay and I are having heart attacks doing so. And we have over 1 million alarm systems in that mansion. I want my babies safe. If she has any boys over, she'll be with Sia in my basement writing songs🤪.  But for real, I'll kill her ass.
Jay's POV
I made it clear to her that i have a gang and that we will shoot anyone who touches her or the twins. Our daughter hasn't done much to make us doubt her. I just hope she dosent do what me and Bey did. Oh those were the times. Mmm she's stayed hot for all these years and my lips just shrivel every year lol.
Blues POV
I can't believe they left me and the twins alone! PARTY IT IS!!!! I call everyone from school and other friends to come over for a party. I shut off the alarms in the house and decorated the place.
Sir: Blue what's all the decorations for?
Blue: can you guys please keep a secret?
Rumi&Sir: Yea!
Blue: I'm throwing us a party withy friends and you can't tell mommy and daddy ok?
Sir&Rumi: As long as we're invited!!
Blue: ugh duh!!!!
Sir&Rumi: DEAL!!!
Rumi: Is your secret boyfriend coming over too?
Blue: yeah!😁
Half an hour later...
The whole party is here and I have lights and blasting music, alcohol and the backyard all lit up with the pool too. I'm with my boyfriend and the twins are partying with everyone too. My boyfriend and I are grinding to the music and maybe I'm little drunk. Parents won't be back for a week and it's awesome! My boyfriend, Isaiah is so damn sexy. Mom and dad won't allow a bad boy like him to date me. But he really is sweet too and we love eachother soo much because we are always on the same page and just we have the same interest and likes. We've been dating for a year now and he loves my lil bro and sis. Mom and dad said I'm not aloud to date till 18. But who listens to their parents anymore. Maybe Dad should've listened to mom when he cheated on her for the second time. Isaiah and I jump into the pool and make out. He is getting me so hot. We've never had sex before but tonight he can murder my vagina. We drink more and he takes me upstairs to my room and throws me on the bed. It's time.
Bey's POV
I made the pilot take us back to the airport cause Blue isn't answering the phone and now I'm worried as hell. Jay and I are going crazy cause we know she always text back but now she hasn't answered at all. We arrive back at the airport in 5 minutes cause we just left off before for two seconds off the ground. We hope in the limo and he takes us ass fast as he can to home. I'm praying my babies are ok.
Sir's POV
Some guy is picking on my sister. He keeps pushing her and calling her bad names and bullying her. He grabs her by the shirt and shaking her an sa group of people are laughing at her. I get over there and punch him as much as I can
Sir: Get off my sister!!!
Rumi: *crying* sir help!
He kicked me to the wall and I hit my head hard. He then throws us in the basement and locks it. We turned the basement lights on and it's like a living room down here we would call mommy and daddy but Blue said not to. So we try calling Blue from the landline but she wouldn't answer. We turn the tv on to break the silence and there is a mini fridge here so we are eating on the couch watching tv.
Rumi: I'm sure Blue will find us down here
Sir: yea you're right.
Jay's POV
We arrive at the house and SHE IS THROWING A PARTY?!!? YO WTF!! HER ASS IS GOING TO GET BEAT!!!!!!
Bey's POV
OMG!!! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP!! THIS GIRL IS GROUNDED 4 LIFE!!! AGH I CANT BELIEVE THIS!!! Jay and I stomp our asses in the house and Jay pulls the plug on the radios playing. We both yell
They all rush out in a matter of seconds. They left cause they know we the kingdom of the music industry and to not mess with my kids! Jay and I are standing in the forye with our arms folded and smoke out of our ears. I sing so I don't want to ruin my vocal cords so Hay yells, and he's loud.

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