Chapter 1

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3 years later

“Don’t leave me Emily!”

I woke up startled and sat on the bed, trying to normalize my breathing. I can’t believe I had the same dream again! I forgot to take the pill just once and this happened.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was almost 7am, so, I decided to get up a do the breakfast. At least I would have one of my favorite food and I wouldn’t have to run to my work.

Pancakes with chocolate and bananas was the best thing… someone… could have ever taught me to cook.

I still hadn’t recovered all my memories back since the day of the accident and the only things I know it was my mum and John that had told me.

Basically, I was driving and I fell asleep crashing against an abandoned house, which was weird, but I don’t remember, so I can’t really say anything. They also told me that I was in the second year of journalism, back then, something that I can remember, and that I was John’s girlfriend since few months ago, something that I, apparently, had totally forgotten. I tried to remember several times if I was with someone because the feeling that I needed to see if someone was okay had never left me, but they told me I was alone.

My mum and John were the only persons I had after the accident, I don’t know if I had any friends or if I knew anyone else, but I have the feeling that I knew more people, important people.

“Hmm… smells good. What are you doing?”

“Pancakes with chocolate and hot chocolate.”

“Wow. That’s a lot of chocolate.” He laughed.

“I remember I used to eat this a lot… but I don’t know with who.” I said and his smile faded. “What?”

“Nothing.” He smiled again, but I knew there was something wrong.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

I smiled and I stepped away, going to the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and stayed under the shower for some minutes. I had to relax after the dream I had, that was more like a nightmare. I always had the same dream, a boy screaming my name and asking for me not to leave him and then a pair of blue eyes looking at me in such a way that looked like they were going to pierce my skin. Like if they wanted to say something to me.

I know that look, I just don’t know where from.

Besides, every time I talked about what happened or if I remembered something, everyone would stay awkward, especially John. It’s like he’s regretted of something and I don’t understand.

I sighed. If I keep thinking like this, I would have to have appointments with the psychologist.


When finished taking my shower, John had already left home, he was the director of a magazine, so, he always leaves early with the intention of coming home sooner, but he always ends up by having to stay till late. I don’t mind, I almost never come home early either anyway.

I got out of the bathroom and went to my bedroom wrapped in a towel. I got dressed, ate my pancakes and drank my hot chocolate which wasn’t that hot anymore and went to the parking lot, leaving in my car as I got in.

Louis’ POV

“I need you to do me a favor.” I said as he answered the phone.

“C’mon dude? You don’t even say hi to your friends?”

“Stop with that shit.”

“Wow someone is angry.”


“What do you want?”

“I need you to find me a person.”


“Emily Fray, she studied in Hoboken. It’s the last thing I know.”

“Hmm… a girl? What happened to Sarah? Oh, yeah. You broke up with her. Literally!” His annoying laugh sounded through the phone.

I tried to stay calm, since I really needed him to give an address, because it’s been three years since I’m looking for her and he was my last option.

“Can you do it or not?”

“Keep calm, bro. give five minutes and I’ll send you a message.”


A little after my phone vibrated with a message of him with her address written. I read the address with to have sure that I was seeing fine. I only hope that he’s not lying to me I’m going to have my payback.

What was she doing in London?

I shouldn’t be looking for her, because she probably moved on, since she didn’t visited me not even once. I had woken up first than her and I was always going to visit her, but, then, I was submitted to a surgery and I had to stay on bed rest and that’s when she woke up and never visited me. However, it is that same fact that makes me want to find her. I wanna know why she never visited me, if she loved me, she would do it, I’m sure, I know her.

Or knew her.

What happened to her? I wonder if she was different. Taller? More beautiful? Maybe more confident? A smile grew up in my mouth by remembering her shyness with me after everything.

I wonder if she still have the ring.

I need to find her. Nothing has changed for me…

Sorry because it's small but the next ones will be bigger... --- gees I have lot of stuff to say...

First: As you know I'm Portuguese and my English is far from being the best but I'm trying to fix that by trying to find people to edit my story (btw: is this chapter better in any way?)

Second: I made a trailer and Louis' not punk because there's like 2 or 3 gifs of punk Louis... same for Emily Rudd so I changed her for Àstrid but just in the trailer, it stays the same in the fic

Third: I made a trailer (lol) so GO WATCH IT BITCHES!!!!!!! please *pretty face*

Fourth: I hate to copy other people's stories, so I never did it, I'm not doing it and never will... I'm saying this because some people told me that this looked a lot like After and one person almost accused me of plagiarism, so I just wanna say that if there's anything that looks like it, it pure coincidence, I would never to such a thing :(

and that's it... thought it was more... (note the sarcasm)

ps: the guy on the side is Max

@niamrauhl :)

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