Chapter 28

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So, before you light up the torches, I know this chapter is literally small, but thing is: if I added what is now chapter 29 it'd look odd and I wasn't really liking how it was looking and stuff, so...

BUT next one is already written and I just need to translate it, aka, I will be posting it on Wednesday or on Thursday cause I'm still a bit busy helping my godmother and stuff...

btw: use the hashtag #LoveMeAgainFIC so I can be happy and throw up rainbows...




Louis’ face was pale and he was fixing the floor chocked, with his blue eyes widened, looking at whatever fell. I got closer to the edge of the bed to see what it was and I got completely shocked by what I was seeing. And I have to fight for a smile not to show up on my lips cause I didn’t know what was that for whether it was for me or not.

On the floor was a small square velvet red box and, not further than it, was two gold and thick rings.


“Huh…” He leaned and took the box, put the rings inside it, closing it right away, holding it firmly in his hands. “This is… huh… is a… huh…” Louis took a deep breath and sat right beside me on the bed. I hold my laugh, I never saw him like that, it was almost like if he had switched place with me and he was the nervous person that always trips in his own words.


“It’s two wedding rings… that’s why I left the apartment and left you alone. I had ordered them one day before we got to Hawaii and I was supposed to purpose today. Tonight. When we were having dinner. But then all of that happened…” He shrugged and lowered his head. “I should have never left.”

“Louis, I already told it’s not your fault. Actually, you even saved me. Who knows what would have happened if you didn’t magically come out.” I shivered thinking about that possibility and felt Louis’ arms around my body, but it didn’t took too long for me to get away from him. “Sorry.” I asked again. “I… I can’t… I can’t let you touch me without remembering what he tried to do…” Tears slipped through my eyes. I felt guilty for not letting him touch me, after all, he was the person that I loved.

“It’s okay Emily.”


“Shh…” He grabbed my hand and took it to his lips, giving it a light kiss.

“Do you still want to purpose?” I asked embarrassed and he laughed.

“I think we can do something about it.” He answered opening the box again and holding it firmly. “Emily, do you wanna marry me?” He asked with his eyes full of hope.

“Yes. Of course I do.”



Louis laughed and shook his head like if he didn’t believed what I was saying. However, I was one hundred per cent sure, more than sure actually. I loved him and he saved my life more than once in more than one way, and he made me love him again even when I didn’t remember him, even when I thought I loved John, even when he had everything and everyone against him and that was biggest love proof I have ever seen.

Louis took the wedding ring that would be for me and placed it on the ring finger. I took the one that was left and put it in his finger in the moment a tear slipped from my eye, through my face.

“Have you seen the detail?” Louis asked and I shook my head. “Here.” He said, pointing at some irregular lines.

“Oh I saw that, what is it?”

“In yours, it’s my finger print. In mine, is yours.” He explained.

“Oh my God.”

“There’s nothing more real than a love declaration signed with finger prints.”

“A finger print I didn’t knew I give.”

“Details.” He said and I laughed looking at the ring. It was really beautiful, golden and thick and with some little diamonds on it, with Louis finger print on the back. Louis’ one had just my finger print on the center and was a little thicker than mine. But they were both perfect and they both had a meaning that couldn’t be expressed with words. “I love you.”

“And I love you too, Louis. A lot. Forever.” I answered.


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