Chapter 39

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Emily’s POV

Only a few people went to my mother’s funeral, the most part of the friends she had were in Hoboken and few were the ones who came to London just because of that, besides, here in London, she didn’t do many friends.

Being here was like a repetition of Kyle’s funeral, the grey sky, the rain, the umbrellas up in the air stopping the rain from wetting people, the dark clothes. The only difference was the pain I was feeling.

My grandmother was right next to me, cleaning her tears discreetly, she didn’t want me to see hear crying, it’s been like that since she got here, she never cried in front of me.

People started to leave, after my mum was buried. In the end was just me, Louis and my grandmother but she ended up leaving too after a long goodbye, hiding her tears.

I never imagined myself in my mother’s funeral. Well, I think no one wants to have that image, even if it’s just imagining it or hypothetically, whatever. Yes, I was sad because she dies, she was my mother, but at the same time I couldn’t stop feeling relieved.

“Wanna go, Emily?”


“Come here.” Louis outstretched his arm and put in on my shoulders, warming up my body. “When we get home, you’ll take a shower while I make dinner so you can relax and then we’ll see a movie, okay?”

“I could cook.”

“We both know I’m a better cooker.”

Louis started walking pushing my body against his, so that none of us got wet, till we got to the car, which was way warmer.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I think you know what I mean…” He laughed.

“Excuse me? I can cook!” I open my mouth pretending to be shocked.

“Tell something besides pasta.”

“Eggs.” I said pretty confident of myself, but that only made him laugh harder.

“Good for you, Emily.”

“Are you being ironic?”


“Ugh.” I smiled. “Thanks for making me feel better.”

“I said I’d help you.”

Louis stopped the car really close to the hall’s door and I got out of the car running to it, waiting for Louis who reached me in a matter of seconds with some water drops on his hair, calling the elevator as he got there.

“It’s good to know you’re no longer scared of elevators.” He said, holding my hand.

“I still am, but no when I’m with you.”

“Unless I start saying it’s falling.”


“It was worth it.”

“You don’t need to tell the elevator is falling for me to hug you anymore-“

“And to do other things…” He whispered at my ear making me blush. “Like making you blush.”

“Pervert!” I opened the door and got out, followed by him who opened the apartment’s door.

Louis closed the door and placed the jacket on the couch, going to the kitchen and I went to our bedroom to go get some clean clothes to take a shower. I turned the hot water on and took off the clothes, getting into it next, letting the hot water fall on my back, relaxing my muscles for a few minutes.

I needed to relax after everything that happened in these last days and the feeling they made me feel, I was physically and psychologically tired and I just wanted a good night of sleep, without having to worry about anything at all.

Maybe that’ll happen today.

Louis said that good things happen after the bad things, so then, maybe he’s right and I thik he is. I want him to be right.

When I finished my shower, I dried my body, dressed my underwear and one of the Louis’ shirts that went to half of my hips, I put on my slippers and walked to the kitchen peeking at what Louis was doing, kissing him on the neck.

“Hmm… I love the smell of that shower gel.”

“You do?”


“Good.” I smiled.


“Do you wanna see a movie?” Louis asked, while I was washing the last glass.

“Which one?”

“You pick.” Louis hugged me from my back and placed a kiss on my cheek, making me smile.

“Okay, so then let’s see… huh… The Notebook.”

“Okay.” Louis sighed.

I knew he hated that movie. I placed the glass, dried my hands and turned to him, kissing him, while holding his face with both my hands. Louis hands went to my butt tightening it and I moaned, grabbing his hair.

“We better go see that movie.”

“Yes.” I laughed.

Louis took the box with the CD, took it and put in on the DVD players. Louis laid on the couch and pulled me to him, making me lay on his chest.

However and even though it was one of my favorite movies, the lack of sleep of these days took the best of me and I fell asleep right there, hearing his heartbeat which was the best way of falling asleep for me.

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