Chapter 22

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“Can I?” I asked a bit scared when my mum opened the door.

“Yes.” She answered cold and I took a deep breath and swallowed before coming in, going to the living room right away.

“Huh… I wanted to say sorry.”


“Okay? Is that all you’re going to say? I think you owe me an apology too.”

“I am not sorry for trying to give you a better life with a real man and with a decent future.”

“Why do you hate Louis so much?”

“Emily, have you look at him already?”

“Of course I did, in fact, I look at him every day and I’m happy with him, why don’t you just give up.”

“Why don’t you give up? He doesn’t love you, he was with several girls when you were with john, he started playing those games and drinking like a-“

“Stop it! That’s enough. You are not going to poison my mind against him. Not you nor anyone will separate us.”

“Why don’t you ask him?”

“Stop it. I’m happy with him, stop it. You’ll never be able to separate us. Never!” I got up from the couch. “I shouldn’t have come here.”

“Emily, you’re making big mistakes you’ll regret later. You can still be with john, I talked to him and he still loves you, everything can be like before.”

“Before? As in when I didn’t even know who I was, or who the people around me were. When you and he controlled every aspects of my life? When you lied to me?”

“It was all for your own good.”

“You stole my life!”

“And I would do that all over again! I would pay John again to crash against your car, for the doctors to lie to you, for you psychologist to tell me everything. All of it!”

“You… John?” he was the guilty of my accident? How dare you? Oh my God.”

“I would do it all over again if that meant you were happy and had a good life.”

“I wasn’t happy mum!”

“You didn’t knew!”

“You are a monster.” I said and she walked to me in a matter of seconds and slapped me, making some tears to slip from my eyes immediately.

“I am still your mother.”

“No. Mothers only want the best for their sons and daughters.”

“It’s what I want for you.”

“We do have a really different vision of what’s best for me.”

“He’s no good for you, see what’s in front of your eyes. You’ll regret it.”

“No, I won’t. You know why? Because I love him and he loves me and you’re just jealous because you and the man who was my father never did.”

“You are not last together, Emily!” She said, her voice getting louder, since I was already leaving. “Even if that’s the last thing I’ll do!”

I closed the door really hard in the same moment tears started falling. I was crying because of the slap and because I was scared with her threat seconds before I closed the door. If she could make us have an accident so she could get us away from each other, who know what she might do next.

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