Chapter 35

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Emily’s POV

The doctor was looking at the echography machine and then to some papers that had the result of my exams. He’s been doing this for around fifteen minutes, not one word was said by him, and that was making me really nervous.

“I’m afraid I don’t have good news for you.” The doctor told me, even more serious than what’s normal of the doctors, scaring me.

Normally doctors tell us to stay calm and that everything is fine, which means, if one of them tell us something is wrong, so then that means something is really bad and I was starting to panic.

“W-what’s going on?”

“What happened is that your placenta moved and it got loose from your uterus.” He answered in a soft tone.

“No…” I said, my voice shook and I had tears on my eyes.”


“No, that’s not possible, that just cant happen.”

“Stay calm.”

“Tell that’s not true.”

“Unfortunately, that is the truth.” He said and a tear slipped.

I was not expecting none of that, I never thought I would lose my baby. It seems so unreal. Louis on the hospital, the doctor telling me I lost my baby, the fact that my own mother did what she did…

It’s her fault.

I never want to see her again, she died to me.

“In most cases, falls don’t use to harm the baby, he’ll just feel like a small tremor if something like that happens. However, if the woman has some posterior issues, there’s the risk of the placenta moving and get loose from the uterus and that was your case.”

“What happened to me?”

“Posteriorly, you had a dislocation of the placenta, it is not very usual before the twenty weeks, but it can happen, it is not probable, but it is possible. Probably, you didn’t have any blood losses, did you?”

I shook my head negatively, I couldn’t talk on that moment, if I even tried I would crash down and cried like if there was no tomorrow.

“He… he will end up leaving naturally, but if the pain continue you better see a doctor. I will need to see you in a week to see if everything is okay with you because, right now, that is what matters the most.”


“Emily, I’ve received a lot of mothers who lost their babies before and they did things they regretted it after. Don’t be one of those mothers. There’s always hope for the future.”


“My secretary will call you later to confirm your next appointment. You’ll have to be watched till everything gets back to normal, routine appointments.”


“See you next time, Emily.”

I showed a weak smile and got out of there immediately, going straight to my car, where I started crying uncontrollably, I cried so much my chest was already hurting, but nothing could compare to the pain I was feeling for knowing I had lost my baby.

My baby.

And Louis was so happy about it.

It was all her fault, my mother’s. If she hadn’t come up with all that crazy kidnap plan I could have been home resting, I would have never tried to escape from kidnappers and I would have never fallen downstairs trying to.

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