Chapter 16

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My eyes opened and a smile spread across my face because I was really happy, but it quickly faded when I realized I was naked on top of Louis… who was also naked. Oh my God! Louis and I... No… no, no, no, no, NO! Oh my God… It can’t be!

I took a deep breath and got up without waking him up, grabbed my phone and in washed clothes and locked in the bathroom. When I looked at the phone, I saw it was 5:30am. I took a quick shower, even though the hot water was feeling good against my tense body and I got out of the bathroom after getting dried and dressed.

Louis was still sleeping and I put my clothes on my luggage and gathered all my stuff to leave the hotel really careful so he wouldn’t wake up. I got out of the hotel leaving Louis alone sleeping and caught a taxi which took me to the airport.

“When’s the next flight to London?” I asked to the receptionist as I got there.

“In four hours…” She answered with a smile.

“I need to get there now.”

“I’m so sorry, but that’s not possible.”

“I’ll pay whatever I have to pay for you to get into a jet that flies to there. Now.” I insisted and she nodded, serious.

The receptionist started typing something on the computer really fast and she was talking on the phone while I was tapping with my fingers on the counter impatiently.

What I was doing was not right, because I was running away and hiding the a coward I am, but what happened was so wrong and I had to get out of New York and I had to stay away from all the memories of last night as fast as possible.

I’m marrying John… or at least I was, before I betrayed him with Louis. He’s going to get so mad and sad and disappointed when he knows… he’s going to cancel the wedding! No, he can’t know about this. And I am not going to tell him.

“Here you have your ticket, you can go the launch area.” The receptionist spoke, interrupting my thoughts. I took the ticket she was giving me and paid with my credit card the fortune that was going to cost me for me to get out of there urgently. “Thank you and have a nice flight.”

“Thank you.”


When I, finally, arrived at London, I caught another taxi to the apartment, but no before going to the church since I had something to do there. I had settled up with my mum that James would pick me up from the airport, but I would only, supposedly, arrive tomorrow, so…

I grabbed my phone and saw that it was almost 9pm, so john must be home by now. I took a deep breath before opening the door to get ready for what might happen.

When I came in, john was seated on the sofa, in front of the TV that was on, but he was paying more attention to the laptop on his lap. As he saw me, the laptop was set aside so he could get up and hug me.

“I missed you so much, Emily!” He said smiling.

“Me too…” I lied, because, actually, if he haven’t called I wouldn’t have even remembered him and I didn’t remembered him last night for sure.

Oh my God Emily, stop thinking about it!

“Are you okay?”

Of course I am okay! Why wouldn’t I be okay? After all, I just betrayed you with Louis, right after you called and told you loved me…

“Huh… yes. Yes, I’m fine.” I said faking a smile. “I need to talk to you.” I said getting serious.

“About what?”

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