Chapter 19

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Louis stopped kissing me and leaned his forehead against mine, with his arms still around my waist. A smile appeared on his lips, making me smile too. I was so happy that I remembered everything and that I could, finally, be with him.

“I missed you so much, Em.”

“Me too. Why did you never tell me the truth? You knew everything, you could have told me.”

“I just wanted you to be happy and I lost the hope when I knew you were going to get married, especially when you bumped up the wedding… Besides, even if I told you, you wouldn’t believe me, you refused to remember.”


“You were falling in love with me again. I know because you had the same reactions when you were falling for the first time: you were nervous when I was too close, you would pull me to you, but then you would step back and you refused to admit your feelings for me. That’s what was keeping me hopeful, but then with the wedding and the fact that you said you didn’t love me…”

“Louis, I’m here now.” I said placing my hands on his face.

“No, you don’t know what I did.” He said, looking away, but I turned his face to me making him look at me.

“Louis?” I asked nervous.

“The alcohol… I… I started drinking again.”

“Oh my God…”

“I was desperate… I just wanted to forget everything… I’m sorry.”

“No. I’m the one who has to say sorry, because I’m the guilty one… I should have remembered, I shouldn’t have make you suffer…”

“Shh… you’re here now.”

“Yes… and I’m going to help you, Lou.”

“Still, I’m no good for you.”

“You make me happy, that’s enough.”

“You’re too good for me and, when you realize that, you’ll leave me.”


“But I just want you to be happy.”

“Then I’m not going to leave you, because I’m happy with you.” I said and get on my tiptoes to kiss him.

I grabbed the back of his hair and pulled him closer to me and I felt his tight on my waist getting harder, deepening the kiss, but when that happened, he stepped back once again.

“It would be a shame if that dress got ruined.” He said smiling. “Besides, he fits you really fine. You’re the prettiest bride that could ever exist.” He said whispering the last part, which made me blush.

“I don’t care about the dress.” I said ending the space between us, making him smile perversely, and kissing him.

“Are you sure? I mean, it’s a really good dress and it’s a killer.” He said between the kiss.

“Louis!” I pouted which made him laugh.

“Okay, okay, but not here, don’t you think?” He stepped back a little and looked up and down at me and a playful smile appeared on his face, making me wonder what would be crossing his mind.

Louis stepped closer and bent taking me on his lap in bridal style. I hold on to his neck while he took me to the bedroom. The first and only time I was here was when he gave me a ride and I had a panic attack.

“Did you paint the walls?” I asked. “Because I’m sure they weren’t originally black…”

“Yes, when I bought it, I changed everything.”

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