Chapter 46

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Emily’s POV

I was sitting on the couch when the noise of the door around three hours later made me get up in a start, finding Louis placing his jacket on the hanger. He smiled at me and opened his arms so I would hug him and so I did, with all my strength.

“I love you.” He whispered, making me smile because he kept his promise.

“Why did you take so long?”

“Harry wanted to tell me everything since we stopped talking to each other. He also told me that… your mother threatened him, she said she would make him go to jail again and he got scared, even though he didn’t really admitted the last part.” He told, while I pulled him to the couch, where we sat and Louis’ arms rounded my body.

“Harry was in jail?”



“Just something that happened with drugs. A lot.”


“And he’s getting married.”

“What? Shut up.” I said, completely chocked and I had a motive, because… Harry Styles? Getting married? I won’t say it’s impossible because, clearly, isn’t but it’s something that I would have never imagine, I think I never thought of the possibility of him changing but looks like he was actually telling me the truth. I laughed thinking about Harry in a suit and tie, getting married.

“I’m serious.” He said laughing.

“Louis… for real?”






“But… with who?”

“You know Niall?”

“That was the one with the blonde hair, right?”


“Harry’s getting married with him?”


“You can’t expect me to believe that, right?”

“I know, it’s pretty weird. I thought he liked girl, just girls… but looks like he’s bisexual.”

“Oh my God… what did the others say?”

“He told me everything, Liam accepted it a bit, but he still kept his distance, went on with his life… he opened a company, can you believe it?”


“Yes, he said it was something related to music clubs…”

“It’s his face…” I laughed. “And what about that one with the spiky hair… with the blond strand?”



“He said he was the worst, looks like he started bullying them and stuff and, now, he has a tattoo shop in Canada.”

“He can do that?”

“Yup, he was the one who did one of my tattoos on the chest.”

“Which one?”

“The doll.”

“Really? He has talent!”


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