Chapter 11

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“Mum? What are you doing here?” I asked shocked, getting away from Louis immediately.

“I think I’m the one who must do that question.” She said, her looks altering between me and Louis.

“She wasn’t feeling very well and she almost felt on the floor if I hadn’t hold her.” Louis lied and I didn’t realized why, but I didn’t say a thing.

“You better leave.” My mum said, getting closer to us, the hatred and the scorn molding her voice.

What’s going on with her? I don’t get the reason of such hatred. What did he do to her? Does she knows him? Well, I’m sure she does, because I was in the car with him when I had the accident and… I asked him to… to sleep with me…

Oh my God! Did I betrayed john with Louis? No, it can’t be! I would never do such thing!

“Honey what’s happening? You’re so pale.” My mum asked very worried.

“No, I… I just need… to get some air.”

“Let’s lunch together, it’ll be better for you and we don’t do it in a while.” She suggested stretching my arm for me to hold on her.


I grabbed my wallet and dressed my coat, getting out of the agency with my mum. She insisted I was on her car, because she had bring her driver along and I ended up accepting. The driver took us to a restaurant that was a little far from the agency and that was really posh. I couldn’t blame her, my mum was just like this.

 “Honey, that tattooed boy…” My mum started, after serving our food.


“He’s really dangerous, he has a horrible past.”

“He’s just my friend, I know him for a little while. He works on the agency.” I explained her, without quite knowing why does she know about his past being or not dangerous. I mean, why does she even cares?

“He killed a person, honey.”

“What?” I asked shocked.

“I’m just saying this to you for you to stay away from him. He’s no good for you.” She said. “You know I only want the best for you.”

“Yes, but… it might not mean it, or he might had a reason.” I defended him without knowing why.

“He’s dangerous, we’re not going to discuss this again.”

“Again?” I asked and her eyes widened.

“No, I mean… I…”

“Mum! What are you hiding from me?”

“Nothing. This boy shows up and your life gets upside down immediately. You can’t be friends with people like him.” She said in a rude tone.

“I’m not a child anymore!” I said a got up, even without eating.

“So then chose: him or me.”

“What’s happening to you?”

I got out of the restaurant and started walking to the agency. I don’t get why she got so altered talking about Louis. And why does she want me to choose between him and her? Of course I’m going to choose her, she’s my mother and Louis’ nothing. I don’t even know him… I mean, he must have been something to me because of all the memories of him I’ve been having. Besides, he got really surprised when I said I didn’t remember him.

“What am I gonna do?” I asked myself.

I kept walking till I, finally, arrived to the agency. I got in my office and got out right away to pick a Kit-Kat from the machine since I haven’t eat anything at all. When I grabbed my chocolate, I looked back and saw Louis going to his office. I watched him while he was walking and I ate my chocolate.

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