Chapter 23

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Okay, so... I know I took like 80 years to update and that this chapter sucks, so you can kill me and crucify me, I will let you do that, I won't complain or run away.......

The photo that Emily talked about is on the side [imagine he's full of tattoos and stuff haha]

Also... any serious English mistakes... let me know and I'll correct it... (also... is it tie up the hair or..? cause I tried to search and that's what I got... so... yeah)

My eyes opened and at that time I felt conscious of that arms that were on my waist and that made smile immediately. Even though I was only wearing a silk nightgown, I was so hot and Louis arms weren’t really helping.

Hawaii’s normal weather. To which I wasn’t, clearly, used to.

“Louis.” I said, trying to take his arms off of me, getting up from the bed when I, finally, managed it.

I walked to our bedroom’s window, barefoot, feeling the cold ground on my feet which was good in a way. My eyes ran all that landscape. The sea waves that kissed the beach calmly, the palm trees that created a little bit of a shadow for those who couldn’t stand no more the heat that had installed right in the morning.

A smile grew on my lips when Louis arms rounded my waist and a kiss was left on my shoulder. Louis placed his head on my shoulder and I let out an admiration sigh.

The view that was in front of me was the most beautiful thing I ever saw; a person could get breathless just looking at it. Everything was so beautiful!

“I really can’t believe you bought this.” I said, which made a husky laugh sound around the bedroom.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

“Do you know what I always wanted to do?”




“Swimming on the sea, like diving…”

“That looks really cool, I remember seeing pictures and… wow it’s so beautiful!”

“Yes. And then have sex on the beach.” He whispered making me shiver. “It looks the most hot thing ever, what do you think?”

“Louis!” I said, pushing him away and he started laughing.

“Just an idea…”

“Well, you better content yourself with surfing.”

I went to the bathroom taking a quick shower and when I got out, Louis was dressing his surf suit that was really tight. He left it at his waist and dressed a white shirt. I bit my lower lip while I watched him.

“We’re going to the beach?”

“Sure!” He said and winked at me.

“No ideas, Louis.”

“Okay, okay.” He said waving his arms in the air, while he was going to the bathroom. “But I am really going to surf.”

“Hm, great! I’ll take the camera with me.”

I took my nightgown, changed my underwear to my black bikini and dressed shorts and a t-shirt, putting my flip-flops next. When Louis got out of the bathroom, I was tying my hair in a ponytail.

“Are you really going to do that?”

“What?” I asked, while I started putting the towels and the sunscreen and other thing I was going to need in the bag I was going to take.

“Taking photos.”

“Yes. Why?”

“I don’t like photos.”

“Oh, come one.”

“Do I really have to?”


“Okay. Ugh what I wouldn’t do for you.”

“Aw they’re just photos, Lou.”

“Fine. Let’s go?”


Louis took his sunglasses and we got out of the apartment, going to the garage so Louis could get his surfboard. When we were finally ready, we got out going to the beach that was right ahead the apartment.

“You should dress white more often.” I said to Louis.


“It looks good on you, matches your skin tone.”

“My skin tone?” He mocked and I pushed him lightly. “You should tie your hair like that more often.”


“Because…” He grabbed my arm with one hand and pulled me to him, kissing my neck. “It’s easier to do this.”

“Wow, guys, get a room.” A boy with dreads said and we started laughing. “Louis, is that you?”

“Ethan? Man, you’re different.”

“Yeah, bro, got the dreads, got a better tan. You know: it’s Hawaii bro!” He said laughing and then he looked at me. “And who is this?”


The Emily?” He asked making me confused and leaving me the with the feeling they talked about me before.


“Wow, she’s really h…” He looked at Louis and smiled. “Huh… beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I guess.

“Much better.”

“Wanna surf, bro?”

“Sure, why do you think I came here to do? Get going, I’ll be right there.”

“Oh I see…”

“Who was that?” I asked curious. After all, every time I found a Louis’ friend in the past he got super serious and tense and sending death glares and not with a relaxed face on his face. Besides, he even introduced me to… whoever he was.

“That was Ethan, I met him when I went to New York once. He’s really cool. Believe me. We’re staying here?”

“Let’s go a bit further. I want to take photos.”

“Thought you had forget that.”

“No.” I smiled. “We’re staying here.”

“See ya.”

“See ya.” I got closer to him, got on my tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss, watching him going to the seaside after it, doing his warm-up before going into the water.

I extended the towel, spread my sunscreen and sat, getting the camera ready and I started taking photos as soon as I could. Louis got into the water and I kept taking photos, till I got tired and, then, I decided to put the camera down, but not before seeing all the photo I took.

I had taken a lot, but I had one that was my favorite. One where Louis was sitting on the surfboard putting the leash around his tattooed ankle, with his sunglasses.

“Look who I just found here.”

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