Chapter 34

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Emily’s POV

I rose my head immediately getting away from my mother. I looked at Louis and saw that he was on the floor, still tied to the chair, groaning in pain. I sighed in relief because he was not dead and I ran in his direction, taking the tape that was holding him, while tears slipped through my face.


“Em…” He groaned.

“Keep calm, I’m going to call an ambulance.”

I took the phone I had taken from the table and marked the three emergency digits, explaining everything that had happened. I looked around while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, all men were long gone, probably afraid the police would come with the ambulance, my mother was the only there and she was on the floor passed out.

Even though I’d rather she was dead.

I felt a strong twinge on the belly and groaned in pain, I tried to ignore it, but it was strong, almost like colic. I kneeled next to Louis and placed his head on my legs, my tears never stopped falling and one of them fell on his forehead.

I could see the blood stain getting bigger and darker, but I knew that, at least, she didn’t hit his head or his heart, but just a bit lower the shoulder.

“Em… Emily…”

“Shh… Louis don’t talk.” My voice shook.

“I-I… I love you.”

“No, don’t say that!”

On that moment I was sobbing, I didn’t wanted him to die, that can’t happen. I couldn’t let that happen. What would I do without him?


“Because… b-because that’s… that’s what… they use to s-say on the movies when they’re abut to die and I-I don’t want that happens to you because I love you and I don’t know what am I going to do without you.”

“Em… I’m not…” Hecoughed andgroaned in pain. “Not gonna die.”

“You promise?”


“Okay.” I took a deep breath and tried to stop the tears from falling, praying for him to keep his promise. “I love you.”

“And I love you.”


“When is he going to wake up?”

“Unfortunately we don’t have that information yet, your boyfriend suffered a bit and he will need to rest a maybe he’ll go home when he wake up.”


I walked away from the doctor and sat next to Kahlan who was with her boyfriend, they had arrived not long ago, right after I told her the news. Kahlan hugged me tight and I showed her a weak smile.

“Emily go home.”

“No. I’m staying.” I placed my hand on my belly and groaned.

“Just for today at least, you can’t stay here, with the baby, without even sleeping. You’re going home, you’re going to take a shower so you can relax and you’re going to have some sleep and tomorrow you’ll be back. If he wakes up, they will call you Emily.”

“You think?”



“You have to talk to your doctor because of that pain. It might be serious.”

“Yes, tomorrow I’m going to see him.”

“Okay, I’ll take you home.”

I nodded and followed them to the car, arriving to the apartment in minutes. I said goodbye to both of them and climbed the stairs that accessed the third floor. I couldn’t use the elevator, not unless Louis was there with me.

I sighed as I got home, one more day without Louis. Things were so much easier when I didn’t remember him because I didn’t know I loved him, but he got into my life again and turned everything upside down. It’s not like I’m regretted, but apparently what they say it’s true: you cannot miss what you don’t have.

I went to the bedroom to get some washed clothes and then I went to the bathroom, always with my hand on my belly who wouldn’t stop hurting, actually, it was getting worse and even stronger.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, maybe it was the fact that I had been so nervous, after all, it was terrific days and with lot of confusion. At least I have an appointment tomorrow and I’ll see if everything is fine, I hope nothing’s wrong with the baby.

It’s already bad to have Louis on the hospital unconscious because he was shot.

I turned the hot water of the shower, took my clothes and got inside, but this time the hot water wasn’t relaxing my muscles, I couldn’t get Louis out of my head and I couldn’t think about anything else but him, I was too worried.

I looked down and my eyes widened. The water was red, red because of the blood.

“Oh my God!”




First: the image, pretend it's Louis suffering because of the shot haha

So, there's a little detail no one noticed or commented: Emily fell from the stairs...

Anyways: I hope you liked it ^^

@boobearboxers :)

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