Chapter 40

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Emily’s POV

“Don’t you just love this time of the year?” I asked, smiling like a child and Louis just shook his head smiling. “What?”


“Come on!”

“I just think it’s just like any other normal day of the year, people just give presents to each other, but they can do it anytime of the year.”

“Louis, it’s Christmas magic! How can you not feel it?”

“I never really cared too much about Christmas, my mum never celebrated it, just when my father was still there and when I ran from her, I always spent on my own, I always tried to forget it was Christmas day. Christmas is that day every family members forget their little wars and gathered all in one big table, near the fireplace, I never had any of it, I was always alone, looking for an open bar and that was it…”

“Oh…” I felt a small tear slipping down my face because of his story.

“Hey, don’t cry.” He hugged me.

I don’t know why, but I never remembered the possibility of Louis spending Christmas and his birthday alone. Oh my God! How did I forget such terrible thing? Of course he never spent his birthday with me because after we got together that “accident” happened and we separated for so long!

“This is your first birthday with me…” I mumbled and he looked at me confused.


“This is your first birthday with me!”

“It’s not really im-“

“Shh! Go home right now!”



“What’s happening?”

“I have to buy you another gift. I mean I already bought you one, but… it’s your first birthday with me and I don’t wanna let you down, because I don’t know what you-“

“Emily!” He called interrupting the beginning of a huge talk with myself.

“What are you still doing here?”

“I just wanna tell you that having you with me is the best gift I could ever had, so don’t worry and come home.”


“Why do you have to be so stubborn?”

“Just go, Lou!”

“Ugh, okay, okay, I’ll go.” He laughed when I started pushing him. “Do you want me to take the bags?”


“Do you have the keys?”


“And you’re walking home?”

“So what?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, leave.” I got on my tiptoes and give him a quick kiss, seeing him leave just to make sure he really left.

I started walking around the shopping center, trying to find something I could offer him, but I had no idea, everything was just so overused. Well, I bought him a watch which was that original by itself, so I would have to try really hard on this one.

Gloom was starting to get over me when I passed by a lingerie store and one of the signs called my attention. I was a model with a very sexy and labored white set, with a white but transparent. In big letters was written “What a better gift this Christmas than yourself?”

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