Chapter 20

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Guys, I have no idea when will I be able to update again, since I'm moving [again] and I don't know if my connect pen will work there or not... so... yeah...


Louis was tinkering with my hair till I sat up on the bed, which made him look at me surprised. I grabbed his shirt that, by chance, was on the floor right next to the bed and dressed it, getting up and pulling the shirt down to hid my legs a bit more.

“Where are you going?”

“Huh… taking a shower…” I answered and he laughed.

“Always the same thing.” He said, seconds before grabbing my waist pulling to the bed again. “I’ll get you some clothes.” He said kissing me.

Louis rose up from the bed, dressed his boxers and walked to the wardrobe taking some black pieces from it, while I watched him attentively, till some pieces of clothes landed right in front of me, scaring me.

“Like what you see’” He asked, making me blush. “I’ll cook up something.”

“What time is it?”

“Hm… 3:37 pm.” He answered looking at his phone.


I got up from the bed, after taking the black shirt and the boxers of the same color that he gave me, till I remembered it was the first time I was at his apartment and, because of that, I had no idea where was the bathroom.

“Right next to the bedroom.” Louis said as if reading my thoughts.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“If you need some company, tell me.” He said with a playful smile winking at me.

I took a deep breath to make sure I was alive after he winked at me and headed to the bathroom, while he, I supposed, went to the kitchen. I turned the hot water and took Louis shirt, getting in right away, since it was the only thing I had dressed.

After spreading the shower gel on my body and the shampoo through my hair, I stand on the shower with my eyes closed, while appreciating the hot water falling on my body and relaxing my muscles, a bit sore because of earlier.

Knowing that I blindly believed in a lie even though the truth was before my eyes, make feel so stupid. People that I loved, or thought that I loved, everyone around me lied to me and I wasn’t able to believe in the only person who was telling me the truth.

The truth.

How could my mother stoop so low just to have what she wanted? And what about John? Why did he lie to me after all? Because he loved me? If he loved me he would have told me the truth, he wouldn’t have align in my mother schemes.

I have to talk with both of them. I have to talk with my mother, I have to tell her that I’m an adult and that she can’t meddle in my life. She had to accept the fact that I love Louis and that it’s with him I want to be forever… well, at least until he wants me too. And I have to talk with John, I need to know why did he lie to me and because, after all, I ran away from the church when I was about to marry him. I have to apologize.

“Food is ready.” I heard Louis voice whispering right next to me. My eyes opened with the start, finding him in front of me, the water falling down his body, making me bite my lip involuntarily. “Relax, princess. Did I scare you?” He asked in a ironic tone, knowing very well what was the answer.

“God…” I sighed.

“What were you thinking about?”

“In everything. My mum, John-“

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