Chapter 12

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When I got home, I turned the TV on and made my dinner, eating on the living room. After that, I went to take a relaxing shower, since I was going to need to be really relaxed, if I am going to work with Louis, and I went to bed early because I want to have to wake up early tomorrow.

Next days will be agitated…

I sighed and laid on the bed, falling asleep looking at the lights that lit up the streets and the cars that, despite the hours, it wouldn’t stop passing and dreaming about a tattooed boy with blue eyes and brown hair.


My alarm went off at 6:30 in the morning and I moaned of tiredness against my pillow. I turned around to the opposite side of bed and, as I suspected, the bed on John’s side was just like it was yesterday.

 I got up quickly and went to take a shower, doing my breakfast right away. When I finished eating, someone rand the bell, it was James, my mother’s driver, since she had insisted for him to drive me to the airport.

“Miss Emily, do you want help with your bags?”

“Huh… can you take this one, please?” I asked, pointing to the bigger one.

I didn’t have to much stuff, since we were just going to be there for three days, just the bag where I had my clothes and the things I was going to need and my purse that I was going to take with me in the plane.

James nodded and grabbed the bag, getting out of the apartment and I followed him, not before giving it a last look.

When we got to the parking lot outside, he opened the car and put the bag in the trunk and I thank him getting a smile in return. James was in my direction to open the door for me, but I told he didn’t needed to and he just nodded his head.

James started the car and drove to the airport and, some minutes later, we arrived there. He helped me taking the bag from the trunk and wished that everything went good with my flight.

I looked at the watch and saw that there were 12 minutes left to 8:57. I better hurry up and-

“Oh my God I’m so sorry.” I said when I bumped against someone.

“It’s okay.” A male voice said, which made me look up immediately. “Emily?”


“Well, looks like I don’t have to look for you.” He said smiling, his smile affecting me and making me smile too.

“Yeah, looks like you found me…” I shook my head mentally. What was that? “Let’s go?”


7h and 30min after

“Emily wake up.” I heard a husky voice calling me, which cause me chills.

“Lou?” I asked dozy.

“God, Emily… don’t call me that.” He said and sighed.

“Sorry.” I rubbed my eyes to se better and found Louis looking at me, his eyes a bit darker, maybe because of the airplane’s light.

When the airplane landed, we started getting out slowly. I took my phone to tell John we had already arrived and saw that it was already 4pm, so, if I’m not mistaken, it’s probably 9 pm in London.

“Emily! John’s voice said as he answered the phone. “I was getting really worried.”

“I just got out of the airplane, John.” I tried to reassure him.

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